Page 33 - At the Glengarry Mineral Spring
ISSUE : Issue 28
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1981/6/1
boon to Cape Breton. Thanking you, Mr. Ed? itor, I am, J. Charles MacNeil, Sydney March 7, 1947 It is believed that the matter of reopen? ing the road to the mineral water will be brought to the legislature in a few weeks from now, and it is the earnest wish of many that a sum be set aside for this pur? pose. Public opinion might differ to some extent on the need for having this partic? ular spring made accessible, this despite the' fact that it is the only one of its kind in Cape Breton; for no person who knew of Tobar Leighis at the height of its fame would deny that the curative value of its water remained unchallenged and une? qualled. Proof of this is in the many tour? ists who come each year from the United States for the purpose of visiting the spring, and go away disappointed after finding the road is impassible. I grew up in the shadow of Tobar Leighis. For years I watched scores of rheumatics taken to the spring physically crippled and leaving in good health. Nor was the water used for that disease alone, but burns, sore ears and other ailments were cured completely. One of my steady jobs as a youth was that of stretcher bearer. Yet, like a doctor who is the last to prescribe for himself, I was stricken with rheumatism and re? mained unable to work and scarcely able to move for over a month before I was finally taken to the spring. I remained there for a few hours, drinking the water and soak? ing my clothes in it. I came away without assistance and walked for two miles. Nor did this trouble come back, for I am a vet? eran of the First World War and I am now over 70 years of age. Of course there are always the skeptics, those who attribute such a cure to a dash of faith and not much wrong in the first place. Yet it is unreasonable to believe that so many appar? ent cures could be the result of an over? worked imagination. It is natural of course to stress the cur? ative properties of The Mineral Springs, yet rebuilding the road to that beautiful section of Glengarry would make accessible valuable timber and would be an inspira? tion to many men weary of unsettled labour conditions to go back to that fertile farm? ing country which has the advantage of be? ing only a short distance from the city. Then, there is the deep-rooted pride in our native province, particularly our be? loved little island. Yet Cape Breton re? mains for the most part undeveloped. If we were anxious to develop the tourist trade, we should grow by leaps and bounds, we would leave no stone unturned to develop our natural assets to the utmost. Such an asset is Tobar Leighis--that sparkling God- given gift now wrapped in obscurity should be given an opportunity to rank with its sister springs dotting the map across Eur? ope and its famous health resorts. J. J. MacMullen, Reserve, N. S. CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF CAPE BRETON COUNTY Welcomes everyone to take part in celebrating COUNTY DAYS the whole month of July Watch for listings of events. "County Days" is coordinated by the Recreation Commission. Let's celebrate "County Days" together. Warden&Councillors; Hockey - Fishing - Hunting - Baseball 4 Plus All Sports Ltd. Mon, Port Hawkesbury 625-3744 Tue, Wed, Sat 9-5; Thur, Fri 9-9 Bernie Warner (Owner) Atomic Energy of Canada LigHted Chemical Company " • ?'111 liBli Public Information Centre Glace Bay Heavy Water Plant, South Street An insight into the atomic age through MODELS FILMS EXHIBITS Visits By Groups From High Schools, Service Clubs, Church Organizations Can Be Arranged At Any Time Of The Year OPEN DAILY, JUNE TO SEPTEMBER (33)
Cape Breton's Magazine