Page 37 - A Story of the Micmac Chief, Ulgimoo
ISSUE : Issue 28
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1981/6/1
A Story of the Micmac Chief, UIgimoo AS TOLD BY REV. SILAS TERTIUS RAND. In ancient times the Kwedeches and the Mic- macs inhabited this country together, on terms of friendship and amity. But in time a quarrel arose; two boys, sons of the re? spective chieftains, quarrelled, and one killed the other. This was productive of a long series of conflicts, in which the Mic- macs, being the more numerous, were usual? ly victorious. During those wars a celebrated chief arose among the Micmacs, whose name was UIgimoo, of whom many strange things were related. He drove the Kwedeches out of the region on the south side of the Bay of Fundy, they having been compelled to cross the bay in their flight from the enemy; and he urged them on farther and farther towards the north, finally driving them up to Mont? real. UIgimoo lived to be .an hundred and three years old; he died twice, having come to life after he had been dead all winter; so says the tradition. He had a brother much younger than he, whose name was Mejelabegadasich (Tied-in-a- hard-knot); this name indicated his brav? ery, as he could not be overcome. He was head chief after his elder brother died. UIgimoo had one daughter, but no son. This daughter married a man belonging to what is now called Long Island, in the township of Horton, The Kwedeches having retired to Fort Cum? berland, and thence on to Tantama' (Sack- ville), before their enemies, and thence on beyond Petcootkweak (Peticodiac), UIgi? moo built a mound and fortification at the place now called Salsbury, where the mound still remains. This war lasted for many years, since, when many of the men had been killed off, time was required to raise another race of warriors, who were carefully educated to keep alive the spirit of retaliation. This brought UIgimoo into the field after he had become very old. He was a great magician, and one of his principal sources of magic was the pipe. His store of tobacco would sometimes be? come exhausted; but his teomul (tutelar deity), which was in his case Keoonik' (the Otter), would go a long distance and bring him any amount he desired. Being a magician, he could hear and see what was going on very far off, as he possessed all the boasted powers of our modern clairvoy? ants , adepts in mesmerism and spirit-rap? pings , Thus, when he was about one hundred and three years old, he learned by means of his mysterious art that a war-party, comprising several braves and wizards, was on the move to attack his village. He was now very feeble, and bent with age; but on the morning of the day when the attack was to be made, he gave his warriors false in? formation of an attack in another place, and so all the men left the village--the aged and infirm UIgimoo alone excepted. By and by the war-party made their appear? ance, and, ascertaining how matters stood, were by no means in haste to begin opera? tions. They came to this old man, but did - not recognize him. They took him prisoner, and consulted what to do. One of the wiz? ards suggested that they would.better pro? ceed with caution, as he strongly suspect- Oceanside Campsites All Supplies Laimdromat and Swimming Pool PI PER'S Restaurant and Trailer Court INDIAN B R 0 0 K, on the Cabot Trail All Rooms Overlook Sydney Harbour Vista Motel King's Road, Sydney, N.S. RESERVATION NUMBER: 539-6550 Zenith Number: 07940, Anywhere in N.S, Cauldron Restaurant Our Licensed Dining Room is Open 11 to 7 seven days a week, featuring complete Family Meals as well as Lunches Located on the site of Princess Historic Mine, in Sydney Mines" FRESH SEAFOOD A SPECIALTY Jacobson's T A/eed & Hickory tarxan skirts and kilts Icelandic coats and sweaters and ponchos Peter Scott lamb's wool and Shetland sweaters imported pure wool skirts, sweaters and pants 332 Charlotte Street Sydney WHERE TOMORROWS STYLES ARE FEATURED TODAY Jacobson's Ladies' V fear Hudson's Bay jackets and coats Hudson's Bay blankets pure imported suits from Scotland imported cashmere coats mohair blankets 330 Charlotte Sxreet Sydney
Cape Breton's Magazine