Page 6 - Old Tales of Sorcery Remembered
ISSUE : Issue 30
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1981/12/1
for the boats, for the fishermen. He used to work at that sometimes up to 12 o'clock at night. He was doing his work in the day? time- -it was in the wintertime and he was going to the woods--and then in the eve? ning he used to work at the sail. So one night, my mother-in-law was in bed and he was working. And then they didn't have the bathroom in the house, and Grandpa went outside--and, gosh, he saw a big dog. He said he didn't know what colour the dog was. The moon was up, but he couldn't tell whether he was black or brown--but a dog bigger than he ever saw in his life. But it wasn't quite the winter, because there were still boats that were coming--and he thought perhaps it was a stray dog from a boat. So he came back in. He ate a bite, lit his pipe, and he started sewing again. And by 10 o'clock or half past 11, some? thing like that--my mother-in-law was in bed--all of a sudden, bang, bang, bang on the door. "Lubin, let me in, let me in, Lu- GROWINGj'TOGETHER 'i 'JHfw'''i.' JBK • ??msmm arm Canadians. They come from diverse cultural backgrounds' and from many parts of Canada. They are living and growing together as proud dtizens of our magnificent country. Ten years ago the government formally recognized the cultural diversity of this great land of ours when it formulated the Multiculturalism policy. This was a new commitmer t to the growing development and enhancement of the spirit of understanding between the many heritages that have formed our nation. Canada GROWING TOGETHER ANNIVERSARY ANNIVERSAIRE Our commitment to Multiculturalism is stronger in this tenth anniversary year than it has ever been. And tomorrow will be even brighter. So join us in our celebration of the past, the present and the future • a future that will continue to bring us all a better understanding of ourselves and of our country...growing together. S'EPANOUIR ENSEMBLE |#|! Ministre d'Etat Multiculturaljsme (6)
Cape Breton's Magazine