Page 11 - CHOW: Two Morrison Ways; Watchman Against the World A Book Talk
ISSUE : Issue 1
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1972/10/31
CHOW: Two Morrison Ways Mary Morrison likes to follow a careful recipe, while Annie Margaret Morrison likes to do it the way her mother-in- law (another Mary Morrison) did it • by- the pinch and the handful and the taste. Mary's comes out sweeter and Annie Mar? garet's is spicier. They both make de? licious chow, 5"' 'er'' are both methods for vou to chc :f4 M "'' "' Annie Margaret Morrison and Mary Morrison Mary cuts up three pounds of onions and one peck (eight quarts) of green tomatoes and sprinkles a cup of salt over them. Let the batch sit overnight in a basin. It will make its own liquid. In the morning, drain off the liquid and put the batch in a large kettle. Add enough cider vinegar or white vinegar to come to within two inches of the top of the batch. Mary used to cover with vine? gar but found it made the chow too saucy. Add a five pound bag of brown sugar and one-lialf cup pickling spice in a cloth bag. Cook for two hours, stirring fre? quently. Put into sterilized jars and seal. Annie Margaret starts by cutting up two cucumbers, about one pound large onions and about seven pounds green tomatoes. (Actually, you can throw in a little of almost any vegetable left in the garden this time of year.) Cut into chunks. Put in a basin and sprinkle with a handful of salt. Let it sit overnight covered with a sheet of newspaper to keep the flavor. Next day mix in four cups of white sugar and two and a half cups vinegar to start. Put some pickling spices into a little muslin bag, then throw a little loose spice into the batch. Put it all in a big pot and boil about one and a half hours, or until everythir' is soft. Taste to see if it needs sugar. Usually it takes a little more. You just have to go by taste. (Remember: a hot spoonful of chow is tarter than a cool one.) Sterilize jars. Fill and cover with Saran Wrap, and seal. Watchnnan Against the World A BOOK TALK Dy Jack Ingranam Neil's Harbour, Victoria County This Norman MacLeod, you've heard of him I guess. He was up at St, Ann's, His house is where the Gaelic College is at. And you can get this book in any Cape Breton gift shop. Watchman Against the World, it was called. And that's good reading, you know. He was a kind of a queer fellow. He was going to school, in Scotland, And he fished. But he was going to college to learn to be a minister, Presbyterian minister. And he didn't agree with the others, the people in the church, so he left. And he took his crowd with him when he left. He immigrated over, up to Pictou was the first landing. He came on the "Hector." ? They went to Pictou, And he • well, he ruled the crowd, the bunch he brought with him. He was minister, lawyer, and he was everything. But it was too crowded, there were too many people in Pictou to suit him,- he didn't want a place like that, he wanted a real virgin place. So he started to go to, I believe, the States, Cape Breton's Magazine/ll
Cape Breton's Magazine