Page 34 - Advert: Nova Scotia Power
ISSUE : Issue 30
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1981/12/1
In 1981, the Nova Scotia Power Corporation will generate more power from Nova Scotia coal than from imported oil. Add to this the power generated by our hydro system and we'll be producing approximately 60% of the Province's needs from our own natural resources. Our planning for increased self-sufficiency was evident in 1978 when the Wreck Cove hydro station came on line, displacing 500,000 barrels of expensive foreign oil annually.1979 saw the coal-fired LIngan #1 Unit in Cape Breton displace 1,500,000 barrels. In 1980, Lingan #2 began operations, displacing a further 1,500,000 barrels of oil. Work has already begun on Lingan Units #3 and #4, both to become operational in late 1984.These two units will displace an additional 3,000,000 barrels. Continuing development of hydro operations at Wreck Cove and Fourth Lake, along with the Annapolis Tidal Power project, will make further contributions to our increasing self-sufficiency. Not only are we taking the necessary action to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, but each year more of Nova Scotia's natural resources will be used to produce electric power for business, industry and homes. The balance of power is shifting ... to your advantage. nova scotia power corporation (34)
Cape Breton's Magazine