Page 36 - Advert: Strathlorne Forest Nursery
ISSUE : Issue 30
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1981/12/1
Strathlome Forest Nursery... 10 million trees a year by 1984. The official opening of the Depart? ment of Lands and Forests' Strath? lome Forest Nursery last August marks a major achievement in Nova Scotia's drive toward a healthy, well- managed forest that is less suscept? ible to insect attack. When in full production, this multi- million dollar 172-hectare (425-acre) facility near Inverness will employ 120 part-time workers besides full- time staff, and turn out 10 million seedlings a year. By 1984, with planned increases from other government nurseries and from a greatly increased production by pri? vate industry, there will be 28 mil? lion young trees a year available for the ongoing replenishment of Nova Sco? tia's most valuable renewable resource ...and for the protection of 24,000 forest-related jobs province-wide. Strathlorne Forest Nursery - a canada-Nova scotia project under the General Development Agreement, Forestry Subsidiary. t* Hon. Pierre De Bane Minister of Regional Economic Expansion '' Hon. D. L. Geo. Henley l'kj Minister of Lands and '' Forests (36)
Cape Breton's Magazine