Page 39 - James D. Gillis: A Little Sketch of My Life
ISSUE : Issue 30
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1981/12/1
selves should be ranked among the seven wonders of the world. They too show great diplomacy re Strathcona prizes, viz. 1 Nun 1 Red Cross Nurse 1 Prot. 1 Cath. 1 Menonite 1 Dookabor The same number of each sex. Prizes are divided over the Provinces and inspector? ates according to diplomacy. Inspectors can do anything. If a school board refuses to accept a married teacher from Ontario the Inspector cancels the trustees and appoints himself or somebody else trustee at $50 or more a year. He can make and unmake teachers. He can judge clothes. If a suit from the Tiptop Tailors doesn't fit a teacher, he reports this to "papa," the Deputy Min. of Educ. There is a Compulsory Attendance Law but if a child runs 40 miles on a school day after a bin? der the teacher is blamed for this, but the law sets inspectors above law. Reverting to myself--early in life my edu? cation was interrupted by the pulling down of the old school-house and the building of a new. After the age of 13, the niimber of days I went to school were few. I can read music, staff and tonic sol fa, and can play the violin and bag-pipe. Among men who influenced me I mention Jas. A. McFarlane, Donald MacLennan, barrister, Angus R. McLennan, teacher, now abroad, William T. Allen, Halifax, William Alexan? der J. MacLean Strathlome, Jno. A. Mac- Dougall, B. Cove Banks, Donald A. MacDon- nell, Kiltarlity, Upper Margaree, Drs. Hall and Soloan, Truro, Cpt. Borden, Hali? fax, Major Doull. Halifax. Co. Cpt. W. Mc? Kenzie, Iron Mines, Dr. A. H. McKay, Hali? fax, Andro Turto Alvena, Sask., and Mr. S. Kaiff, Simpson Bldg., Regina. I compose best in solitude. I don't like to write on any subject by request. But if thoughts and conclusions occupy me for years, I write these with ease. Original terms, idioms etc. crowd on one another and for fear of misunderstanding I some? times change the expression to the vogue of the hour. Yet, I believe that my natu? ral expression has more punch than a modi? fied, I avoid exaggeration and leave out lots that might be written. For a prosaic example if Mr, Stone weighed 200 lb., I write he weighed at least 150 etc., etc. When A or B investigates the result pro? duces confidence. This manner of probabil? ity (in truth) enhances fiction itself. A novel may contain more interesting epi? sodes, than are known of an ordinary life; but none of the episodes should be unnatur? al or impossible. As far as we know. Nel? son, James IV, Scripio, Hannibal, Napoleon I, etc. were simply good, meek boys and men who did their part. Fictitious charac? ters to be interesting or valuable should lead lives, practical and practicable. In politics I favor the Liberal party. I don't approve of Confederation. It was made for Quebec and Ontario. It ruined the Maritime Prov. and B. C. If N, S. had a chance, today she would vie with Maine or Mass., U, S. But it's Ontario and other parts of the "Empire" first. Yes but we have the C. P. R. and the C. N. R. They are of no more help to N. S. than they are to Cuba or Nfld. I am opposed to life jobs. No Govt, office of any kind should be held by one person or family for more than 10 years. Judgeship, Inspectorship, P. 0. Of? fice, Custom Office etc.. Councillor, M. P. P., M. P. and at that those should be e- lected at the polls. Now You Can Order Single Back Issues of Cape Breton's magazine We have a limited quantity left of all back issues of Cape Breton's Magazine. The covers are pictured here and on the next page. See the bottom of the next page for how to order back issues. CapeBreton's MAGAZINE Cape Breton's MAGAZINE Cape Breton's MAGAZINE L This was Swordfishing • Trails out of Meat Cove • Apples of Inverness County • How Leather was Sewn • Deux Contes Merveilleux pour les Enfants • The Eyestone • Joe MacNeil, Storyteller •
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