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ISSUE : Issue 31
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1982/6/1
NOW ON SALE: Qur 10th Year The Fifth ' Collectors' Edition Issues25through 29 • $6.50 The FIFTH COLLECTORS' EDITION includes stories about Building the Canso Causeway, Guiding for Salmon on the Margaree, Wishie Rose and 50 Years at Sea, the Port Hood Ex? plosion, Shipwreck on the Cheticamp Coast, Life on Bird Islands, Talks with Steelwork? ers, The C.B,Separatist Movement, Gaelic Precenting, Micmac Chants, Acadian Tales, The S & L Railroad, George Maxwell, The Cape Breton Fiddler and much, much more. The FIFTH COLLECTORS' EDITION is Issues 25 through 29 reprinted and bound into one big book. It's NOW ON SALE EVERYWHERE, or write to us. We'll mail all your gifts and pay the postage as well. Edited & Published by Ronald Caplan with the help of Bonnie Thompson & Ruth Schneider JUNE 1982 Cape Breton's MAGAZINE WRECK COVE • CAPE BRETON • NOVA SCOTIA BOC IHO You can wish us a Happy Birthday by giving your? self & friends subscrip? tions to Cape Breton's Ma? gazine and its books: DOWN NORTH and the FOURTH and FIFTH COLLECTORS' EDITIONS. They make good, lasting gifts--and we pay postage. Subscribe Subscriptions are sold on a 4-issue basis. A.4-issue subscription is $7.00 in Canada, $8.00 foreign. The current issue is Number 31, so you can begin a subscrip tion with Number 30, 31 or the next issue. Subscribe LET US SEND OUT ALL YOUR GIFTS THIS YEAR! Down North The Btxjk of Cape Breton's Magazine Rimald Caplan. Editw Quantity Limited ORDER NOW: The Fourth Collectors'Edition of Cape Breton's m .w. a z i n e Issues 19 through 24 (292 pages) $6.00 DOWN NORTH The Book of Cape Breton's Magazine DOWN NORTH: The Book of Cape Breton's Magazine is a selection of over 50 stories taken mostly from the early issues of Cape Breton's Magazine. A lot of our readers will want this book because it is a permanent collection w,ith almost 400 photos and illustrations, printed on white book paper and,'f course, with no advertisements. DOWN NORTH costs $12.95 paperback and $19.95 hardcover. It makes a great gift of Cape Breton. '??''K''t'>l>''lt,'',t''f>'>li,'t*'>'l''*''*'l''>''>'>''''lt'''''*>C'' COME HOME TO THE NOVA SCOTIA MUSEUM Looking for your past? Have we got a deal for you! ... for friends and lovers of the sea. Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, Halifax Waterfront Lunenburg Fisheries Museum, Lunenburg Lawrence House, Maitland 1870 Fisherman's Life, Jeddore 1857 ... visit some grand homes of famous Nova Scotians. Perkins House, Liverpool 1766 McCulloch House, Pictou 1806 Prescott House, Starrs Point 1814 Uniacke House, Mount Uniacke 1815 Haliburton House, Windsor 1836 ... homes of more ordinary people. Ross Farm, New Ross 1817 Sherbrooke Village, Sherbrooke 19th century Barrington Meeting House, Barrington 1765 Ross Thompson House and Store, Shelburne 1785 Cossit House, Sydney 1787 ... small work places. Wile Carding Mill, Bridgewater 1860 Balmoral Grist Mill, Balmoral Mills 1874 Barrington Woolen Mill, Barrington 1882 Sutherland Steam Mill, Denmark 1894 ... some special collections. Firefighters Museum, Yarmouth North Hills Museum, Granville Ferry Nova Scotia Museum, Halifax ... for information about all these fine places contact the main branch: Nova Scotia lAuseum, 1747 Summer Street, Halifax, B3H3A6 429-4610 Operated as part of the education resource services program of the Dept. of Education.
Cape Breton's Magazine