Page 28 - Local Sea Serpents: 3 Reports
ISSUE : Issue 32
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1982/8/1
Local Sea Serpents: 3 Reports 1. Huge Sea Serpent SEEN OFF CRANBERRY HEAD BY SOUTH BAR PI? LOTS Sydney Daily Post, July 12, 1902: A huge sea serpent was seen Thursday afternoon by the South Bar pilots and remained long e- nough in their view to make its identity clearly known. This monster of the deep was about 200 feet long, about 50 feet of which appeared above the surface at a time. The head and tail tapered to a point. It was first noticed off Cranberry Head work? ing its way up the harbor. When well up the entrance it turned its lengthy coil a- bout and headed north. Its shape was exactly like that of a snake: its middle was very bulky and of monstrous size. The skin was speckled like a leopard. The American yacht Wacouta was coming in at the time and the huge serpent laid in her course. The yacht hauled to the one side to give it room to go by. The serpent passed close to two fishermen who were out setting nets. Seeing the monster coming in their direction, they immediately pulled out of its path and rowed as quickly as they could to a schooner which they boarded. The pilots were about a quarter of a mile away, but had a good view of it through their glasses. It was going through the wa? ter very smoothly, but churned it to a foam when turning round and speeding north? ward. This is the first time any of these sea habitants has been seen on the coast, and the sight of this one was not altogether a very attractive one. 2. Curlew's Crew Saw Large Snake STORY OF THRILLING ADVENTURE IN NYAN2A, VICTORIA CO.--THE INNOCENTS ABROAD Sydney Daily Post, July 18, 1905: Once a- gain the far-famed sea serpent, which has been periodically reported from different parts of the globe, and under many pecu? liar circumstances, has bobbed up serenely to the surface and in no less a place than the waters of the famous Bras d'Or Lakes. Last Saturday the 15th, while a party of fishermen from the yacht Curlew, who had just left the mouth of Middle River, in quest of salmon, and who had just left the mouth of the river where it empties into the harbor, a strange commotion was no? ticed in the water about a half a mile sea? ward. The boat was laid to for awhile and the party became very much interested in the cause of the strange agitation now be? come plainly discernable. At first the heavy wave moving forward, was thought to be the bore of the tides coming up the lakes, crossing the sand-bar, and meeting the current coming down from the river which backed the water up to such an unusual height. The strange phenom? enon approached with startling rapidity straight up the harbor, then suddenly turned and swerved towards the shore, where very soon it reached shallow water and began to kick up quite a lively distur? bance. It had begun to dawn on the. occu? pants of the boat by this time that some strange monster of the deep had wandered from his usual deep-sea haunts, and find? ing himself in the unaccustomed land? locked waters, was making desperate, but ineffectual attempts to regain his old hunting grounds. Suddenly a huge snake? like head appeared above the water, and swinging slowly from side to side apparent? ly took a reconnaisance of the surrounding country, and perhaps finding it not to his liking immediately sounded, and headed out - to deeper water, the undulations of the long snake like body being plainly visible to the onlookers as the levianth plunged to the depths. The more foolhardy and dar? ing of the boat's crew were for giving chase to the uncanny creature, or at least making a nearer approach to the object so that a good view of it might be had, but the captain deeming discretion the better Better Health Centre 369 Charlotte Street, Sydney - 562-1237 MORE THAN 'A HEALTH FOOD STORE Natural Foods Cheese Franks Stationery office supplies gifts * greeting cards school supplies * books 562-3199 Natural Cosmetics Vitamins (28) Midway Motors Ltd Middle River R. R. 3, Baddeck 295-2290 Looking for easy handling at an easy to handle price CITATION 3500 Tokealookot
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