Page 2 - Cape Bretoners in World War One
ISSUE : Issue 33
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1983/6/1
Howard Keid slowed me down in school. But I made it up on other things. Doing dangerous things. I had good nerves, you know. I'd go down to the docks and climb away up in the rig? gings of the ships. I'd worked in Winnipeg, and I was in the Winnipeg Rifles for a year or two. But I was down here when war broke out (1914), and they were recruiting for the field ar? tillery here at Victoria Park, so I joined up in the field artillery. I'll tell you, I was still in civilian clothes, and we were digging a ditch, 5 or 6 of us, to drain the water off from the camp. And this sergeant, an old-timer, he said, "Fall in for pay books." I was at the head of the line and I just kept on picking--I thought that was a good joke. He said, "Hey, you!" I looked up. He said, "Didn't you hear me calling, 'Fall in for pay books'?" I said, "I thought you were kidding. I didn't know we got paid." It never struck me, about the money part of it. I fell in, and got my pay book. Oh, I wasn't out for the money at all. Dan E. MacQuarrie, Middle River: (When did you go to the military?) 1907, I suppose. The militia. (Why?) Well, crazy to go to camp. Aldershot. Used to go up to Nova Sco- tia--Kentville, you know--camp out for two weeks--it was great. There was a company from Middle River--well, the companies were small, probably 50 men and officers. There was another company in Big Baddeck, Baddeck, Margaree, Inverness, and lona. (All separate companies in the militia?) Yes. And they'd have the camp every year, around September, People would be through with their hay then. I went about 6 or 7 years to that camp. We'd drill at camp. Rifles. Uniforms. We had the red coats, same as the Mounties. We had tents. Go from here on the boat, the Blue Hill--and we'd get the train in lona. Then we'd go to Truro and they'd shift up through the Valley. It was quite a trip for us young fellows. And everybody was crazy to go. They didn't have to coax them. Stay for two weeks. Drilling. Leam how to shoot. They had the old Ross rifles then. And when the war came, we took those Ross rifles overseas with us. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE R. & M. Grocery -' Co. Ltd St. Peters Shop at the r Sign of the Steer Better Health Centre 369 Charlotte Street, Sydney - 562-1237 MORE THAN A HEALTH FOOD STORE Natural Foods Cheese Frank'StatJonery office supplies gifts * greeting cards school supplies * books 562-3199 Natural Cosmetics Vitamins J.A.Young&Son; We want to be vour travel agent. (2) For all your travel needs' American Express Travel Service J.A.Young&Sm; Insurance & Travel Agent 181 Charlotte Street Sydney, N.S. 539-'800 We're the all-around travel agent • with hundreds of American Express Company, subsidiary and Representative Travel Service offices to help you here and all around the world. And with an all-around, package of services no one else can match: • Book plane tickets • Arrange complete vacations • Sell, cash or refund American Express? Travelers Cheques ? Offer complete business travel service • Help at destination • Reserve hotel space • Provide rental cars and limousines • Provide American Express pay'later plans (for American Express? Gtrdmembers) • A unique combination of travel financial services rA Don't leave home without us.'"
Cape Breton's Magazine