Page 6 - CBC Radio Advert
ISSUE : Issue 6
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1973/12/1
Radio '' lives! LZsMj; 1040 on the dial -cbc Sydney We Take The Time.. To Communicate Radio Noon 6:30-9:00 INFORMATION MORNING Gets the day going with the current concerns served di? rect to your breakfast table ...the latest news, weather and sports;special features of both local and far-flung interest;here-and-now inter? views and succinct commentaries. 9:13-Noon THIS COUNTRY and 1 u _;-j;' e t? i' t v. -. c .' i p. v ? , handled with warmth and hu? mour by host Peter Gzowski. Dotted here and' there with music and surprises. THE WORLD AT 8:00/9:00/6:00 Cross? country Check-Up A oroeram iust for vou Skilled CBC Radio news teams tnnrc'untry'foir;iike. '''?%- ''' '''-J'' '''f'r' A happy mixture of up-to-the "'''''te, accurate and fully minute information, news, comprehensxve news reports, consumer hints, welther, mu- ''' '' '''' ?' '*- sic, opinion and commentary. 12 Noon until 2 P.M. 4:03-6 PM TRAVEL ON SHOW A truly Cape Breton "Down- Home" kind of program with host John Cable (he's the one with a smile in his voice. This show frequently provides a showcase for local talent and sometimes John talks with interesting people of our is? land. Every kind of good mu? sic prevails. Weekend MAC TALLA AN?? BILEAN 3:03 P.M. SATURDAY ISLAND ECHOES 6:10-8 SUNDAYS You're IT I Everything from pollution to unemployment, from love to lib...that's Canada's only National open line radio show where you give your views and question a visiting expert. Weekend MARITIME MAGAZINE 9:10 to 10:00 SATURDAY A.M. Rosemary Hutchison offers a love? ly and well-informed program of Gaelic music and stories. Just that, A many-faceted magazine program, designed for and by Mari- timers, with our concerns in mind. BAY LUMBER YARD Rough & Dressed Lumber All Sizes 295-2780, Baddeck Our 51st Year in the Garage Business BETHUNE'S Baddeck Frank McKnight Ltd. " Everything Musical " 279 Charlotte Street Sydney 539-5030 Frank McKnight Ltd. Everything Musical "
Cape Breton's Magazine