Page 22 - Bill Fraser, Superintendent R.C.M.P., Rtd.
ISSUE : Issue 34
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1983/8/1
on. So I knew I had to do something. This was my first confrontation down there, really. Finally, I watched my chance, and I grabbed the bottle out of his hip pocket, and he started to chase me. I jumped over the fence. And he came at me wild, frantic. He got over the fence in about two leaps, but he didn't hit the ground on my side of the fence until I had him down on the ground, and handcuffs on him behind his back. And I dragged him like that down through the yard, out to the road to the car, threw him in the back seat, end over end, jumped in the car and started for In? gonish. The roads were crooked, and you can imagine--now he was down on the floor in the back seat--the bruises that were on him by the time I got to Ingonish, because I didn't have any mercy for him whatsoever. It was a crooked road, it was an old Ford. And of course, I had him up in court. And I never had any more trouble in that place. That kind of ended that. The following summer there was a big dance at the Cape North crossroads one night, and there was considerable trouble there. I went down. I stopped at the crossroads, and I was searching cars for liquor. And one car came along, and out of it jumped a great big man who lived in Inverness Coun? ty. I saw him one morning at 3 o'clock--he had broken into a building and somebody had surrounded the place. And I went out from Inverness, and he was there with a weapon in his hand. He had a pair of shorts on, and no shirt, top part of his body, and of course he was going to kill everybody who came near him with the weap? on. Well, anyway, we disarmed him and took him back to Inverness. Now, here I come and I search this car in Cape North. There was a dance on, it was at the hall there. And I opened the door on the driver's side and I said, "Everybody get out on this side." And the man sitting alongside the driver got out and walked around to the back of the car. And as he got out of the car, I realized it was this same fellow. And as he went around to the back of the car, I went around to the back of the car on my side, and I didn't give him a chance to o- pen his mouth. There was a wee short bit of a ditch there, and as he was coming up-- there were lots of lights on, other cars were parked there at the crossroads--I let him have it, everything I could put into a punch. And it knocked him out so cold, he rolled down into the ditch; That was the end of it. After that, nobody bothered me any more. This may sound fantastic to you, but it's absolutely just as God's truth as I'm standing here. Just the one crack, and I happened to get him in a good place. And I got out of that scrape down there with? out too much trouble. There was a lot of trouble before I went there, and before my predecessor went there. The policeman who was there was a Nova Scotia policeman. And local boys took the car away from him, pushed it over the bank into the ocean, took his sidearms off him, threw that in the ocean, and then beat him up. For which they were eventual? ly caught, went to jail. And it was follow? ing that that they had sent my predecessor there, because he was supposed to be a bit of a boxer and could look after himself. But he got down there, and the first call that he had was to go to a dance in Cape North where there was CONTINUED Business Benefits Business in Nova Scotia can benefit from selling to the petroleum industry. Government policy ensures there will be the highest possible Nova Scotian involvement in providing supplies and services for offshore-related companies. NOVA SCOTIA BENEFITS FROM OFFSHORE OIL AND GAS is a free booklet which tells Nova Scotia businesspeople where to sell what. The INDUSTRIAL BENEFITS OFFICE helps to make contacts between Nova Scotia businesses and the petroleum-related companies. 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