Page 24 - Bill Fraser, Superintendent R.C.M.P., Rtd.
ISSUE : Issue 34
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1983/8/1
for analysis." Got on my skis again and went back to Ingonish. Sent the stuff out in the mail. Eventually it came back, after a month or so, and I went back up to Meat Cove. I went to Cape North on snowshoes. And I hired a horse in Cape North to take me to Meat Cove to bring this prisoner out. We arrested the guy. It was in Inverness County rather than Victoria. I put him in the sled, and stopped at MacGregor's at the foot of Cape North Mountain for the night. I had an ex? tra pair of snowshoes for him. Got him up early in the morning, and we had breakfast, and we started out to snowshoe to Pleasant Bay and Cheticamp. At Pleasant Bay we had to stop and have the trial before the magistrate there. He was convicted, of course, and sentenced to the county jail at Port Hood. We went on, climbed up MacKenzie Mountain, got across the top. Then my prisoner played out on me--he couldn't go any further. Nothing I could do. I knew he couldn't run away on me. I said, "Well, you come as slowly as you can, or sit down and rest here, and I'll go on down ahead into Cap Rouge. I'll get someone to come with a handsled and get you." Which I did. Christopher Aucoin and some man came up--I don't know who it was. But it was Christopher Aucoin was the first house in Cap Rouge. And he went back up the French Mountain and picked up this prisoner and brought him down. Then I took him to Cheticamp and put him in jail for the night at the cell of the detachment. Went to the hotel. The next morning he was so hard used up that he could hardly walk. So I had to hire a man with a horse and sleigh, and start for Inverness. I put him in the seat with the driver, and I jumped on the back of the sleigh, and I ran and jumped off and ran again, and we made Inverness that -r. night. That's another 47 miles from Cheti? camp. I put him in jail overnight, and then got up early in the morning and took him on the passenger train to Port Hood, put him in jail and gave him warmth, and that was fine. Came back to the station and caught the freight train at 11 o'clock. It got to Point Tupper, and then I caught the evening train into Sydney. I went into Sydney and stayed there the next day, all day the next day. And then the following morning, two of the fellows drove me out to Big Bras d'Or. There was ice in Big Bras d'Or--it was fro? zen- -the ferry wasn't running. I had my pack on my back and two pair of snowshoes. And I got a long pole, and I started walk? ing across Big Bras d'Or to the ferry at New Campbellton. And the ice broke under me, and I went in and got wet. But I had my pole, and I got out. They were watching me from the shore. I got out and I walked to shore. When I got ashore, I put on my snowshoes, and I snowshoed 54 miles to In? gonish that day, getting home at about 10.30 at night. A woman at the foot of Smo? key, on the North Shore side of Smokey, coaxed me to stay there in the evening. I stopped in there and had a bite to eat, and waited till about 8 o'clock and had a bit of a rest. And then got on my snow- shoes and went up Smokey. Actually, liter? ally, and I can remember--it was a lovely winter's night--I actually jogged down on snowshoes, going down the other side of Smokey. Crossed over the Ingonish Ferry a- long the shore, and got home in North In? gonish at 10.30. Snowshoeing 54 miles that day. It didn't bother me one single bit. I got up the next morning at 8 o'clock, down in the office making out reports. That's just one incident there. I had an? other incident going the other way. A coup? le of years later, or a year and a half lat- er--I had 4 prisoners in the jail. And it 'e "'a/ie POTTERY & GALLERY Peter H. & Ingeborg Norres-Rudt POINT CROSS (near Cheticamp) NOVA SCOTIA BOE 2R0 Telephone 1-902-224-3727 QUALITY SOFT DfflNKS SINCE 1905 AT THE PRICE THAT REFRESHES Pop Factory iRor? McKinlay&SonsLtd.; A COMPLETE UNE OF PARTY SUPPUES 262 BROOKS IDE 849-6644 GLACE BAY Morrison's Stores Ltd Home Hardware General Merchants Celebrating over 100 Years of Service StPeters Richmond County, Nova Scotia BOE 3B0 Ideal Ice Cream Co. Ltd. A Complete Line of Frozen Foods Ice Cream and Fountain Supplies Sydport Industrial Park 564-4549 (24)
Cape Breton's Magazine