Page 29 - The Magical Dancing-Doll
ISSUE : Issue 34
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1983/8/1
ven so. The chief now inquires his name. He says, "Noojekesigunodasit;" he is sur? prised, but fulfils his promise and gives him one of his daughters for a wife. He builds a large and commodious lodge, and takes up his residence there with his wife, and has a servant to wait upon him. He him? self joins the hunters in their expedi? tions in the forest for game, and all goes on smoothly for a time. But, alas for human happiness! there is al? ways something to mar our repose. This ser? vant manages to steal the "household god," and to run away with it,--wife, wigwam, and all. He accomplishes the feat thus: One day the master of the house went out a hunting, and carelessly left his coat be? hind with the "Penates," "Teraphim," "Man? itoo," or "dancing-doll," "magical box," or whatever else you may choose to call it, quietly stowed away in the pouch or pocket. Now it happened that his servant had of? ten been led to inquire in his own mind what could be the secret of his master's wonderful prowess. Seeing the coat on this occasion, he takes it up and slips it on. "Halloo! what is all this?" he exclaims, as he feels the box. He takes it out and o- pens it. "Hie! what are you?" he shouts, as his eyes rest on the dancing image. The little fellow stops his dancing suddenly, looks up, and exclaims, "Well, what is it? What do you want of me?" The truth is now out. It flashes over the fellow. This is a "Manitoo," and he it is that works all the wonders. The opportunity is not to be lost. "I want," says he, "this wigwam with all its contents removed to some spot where it cannot be discovered." The Manitoo replies, "I'll do it for you." Then the man grows dizzy, faints, and soon finds himself, wig? wam, mistress, and all, far away in the depths of the forest, and surrounded on all sides by water. Of course he takes qui? et possession,--is lord of the place, the "palace," and all. But his triumph is brief. The original own? er comes home, and finds himself minus wife, wigwam, magical box, and all. But he still has his magical bow and arrow; and shooting his arrow and giving chase, he is soon at the secluded wigwam, and has dis? covered his stolen home and wife. No small management is required to regain the wonder-working box. He waits till nightfall; he looks in and sees the perfid? ious servant asleep with the coat under his head. He steals softly in, and directs the woman to withdraw it carefully from un? der him. He then slips it on, opens the box, and wishes himself back, wigwam, wife, servant and all, to their original home. No sooner said than done; and back the faithless servant is in his hands. Summary punishment is inflicted; he is killed, CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Vfe Support Cape Breton Craftspeople! Cape Bretoners can be proud of the quality and variety of outstanding crafts produced throughout the is? land. The Cape Breton Development Corporation is also proud of its role in providing both marketing and financial assistance to these entrepreneurs for over a decade. The Corporation's craft program includes help with marketing through Island Crafts, as well as technical and financial assistance. Cape Bretoners in Business Together! ' AnJC IPDCT''M '?' more information contact: DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Industrial Development Division P. 0. Box 1750 Sydney, Nova Scotia BIP 6T7 (29
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