Page 43 - With Frank E. Jackson at 99
ISSUE : Issue 34
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1983/8/1
er. At this time, it was unlawful to im? port liquor, only the government could do it. Oh, an awful pile of it was destroyed. I had to give a declaration that I wit? nessed the spilling of this liquor, in the warehouse. And come out, I'd be ashamed for people to meet me on the street be? cause my clothes would be saturated with the odor of it. That was all done inside, and nobody saw it. I told you about the solid walls of this warehouse, and the loading and unload? ing door--but the main entrance door was just a panel door. It wasn't long before a car with a battering ram rammed it in and stole 18 or 20 kegs of rum. We got them. I didn't--it was the sleuth, Tony McKinnon. He was some man. Tony McKinnon was one of the chief liquor sleuths, and the like of him I don't think ever lived. He had such a keen mind, and was so vigorous at his work. He came to North Sydney to work in the preventive of? fice to do sleuth work, just a young fel? low, without any training or anything. And before he was through with the department through the years, he was deputy minister in Ottawa. He couldn't be any higher be? cause he'd retire before the man above him would retire. For instance, we had to go to Sydney for a trial one afternoon. Tony McKinnon had an? other officer with him. And up at the end of the town, there were two cars, big cars, turned and went up the street. He went up a little bit farther, turned around, and went after them. He said, "Those two look as though they were soggy behind." Caught the two of them. They were both loaded with kegs of rum. Very few officers would see that. Another time, he got a tip that some was going to be landed down about Fourchu, down on the shore there, on a certain night. And he was in Sydney, and he told two officers there, "I have to go to North Sydney, but I'll be back at 9 o'clock to pick you up. We'll go down there." Well, he was a little late getting back, and 9 o'clock came and they went off by them? selves. So he went out later, alone. He went as far as he dare go with his car, Here To Help Your Business p ''' '??, m "-' Wayne A. Gillis Branch Manager Desmond Harris Counselling Co-Ordinator Jim Schmidt Ross Kennedy George Gottschall For information please contact our office and speak to any of our representatives regarding. *C0Unselllng: utilizes retired business persons to provide advice and counselling for your business (CASE) *Trflininff- 6 services including a *InfOrmation I A free service pro- reference lllkry 'iS'rs, clinics 'and yWing information on all of the approximate courses to improve your management skills. Financing: needs we have 4pla ? FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVEUOPMENT BANK BANQUE FEDERALE DE DEVELDPPEMENT 50 Dorchester St., Sydney, 539-6910 Canada with the lights off, and then he walked the rest of the way. And he had to work his way through bushes, over an open field and all, to get down near where the wharf was. There was a little bit of snow, and he could see the tracks where a man had gone down. Worked his way down close. There was a house over in the field, and a light in it. After awhile--it was a dirty night, bit of sleet and rain--a man came out and called to men who were going to take the liquor onto land: "You might as well go home. They can't land tonight--it's too dirty." So, they went home. Well, Tony McKinnon then walked o- ver to the house. Instead of rap? ping at the door, he went to the back and found a stone and threw
Cape Breton's Magazine