Page 49 - Archibald J. MacKenzie's Gaelic Story
ISSUE : Issue 36
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1984/6/1
Archibald J. MacKenzie's Gaelic Story CONTINUED FROM INSIDE FRONT COVER Righ bu sgairteil bha mo ghluasad A h-uile ceum dol na bu luaithe. With each step the pace quickening, Where was the hero who could keep up? A h-uile ceum dol na bu luaithe, C'ait ro'n gaisgeach chuma suas rium. Where was the hero who could keep up? Climbing hills and descending bens. C'ait ro'n gaisgeach chuma suas rium. Direadh bheann 's a tearnadh chruachan. Climbing hills and descending bens, Going to the Glen where the nobles dwell Direadh bheann sa tearnadh chruachan, Dol dan ghleann sa'm bheil na h-uaislean. Dol da'n ghleann sa'm bheil na h-uaislean, Ghleidh a Ghadhlig sa thug luaidh dhi. Bha an oidhche ann nuair a rainig mi an Gleann agus ghabh mi go taigh Thearlaich Chrotaich far am bu trie a fhuair mi caoimhneas agus a dh'eisd mi ri naigheach- dan, garbh agus ait. Bhuailmi aig an dor- us agus thainig Tearlach coir go fhosgladh. "Dia a bhi ann an so," arsa mi-fhin. "Dia dhut fhein," ars' easan. "An e an gille fa- da tha so?" '"Se," arsa mise, "ach nam bi- odh a chroit agaibh fhein air a direachadh, bhiodh sibh a cheart cho fada riumsa." "Gabh leis an sin an drasda agus dean sui- dhe, 's math an oidhche thainig thu. Tha comhdail gu bhi aig Comunn na Firinn an so a nochd agus bithidh sinn tiolichte thu bhi 'nar cuideachd." Co a thainig a stigh aig a cheart am ach Ruairidh Dubh, Seumas Mor, agus Domhnull Sunndach. 'S mise a fhuair an crathadh lamh, cha mhor nach d'thug Domhnull Sunn? dach dhiom i! "Tha thu cho sunndach sa bha thu riabh a Dhomhnuill," arsa mise. "Nach e sin fhein an doigh cheart," ars' easan. "De a feum ann a bhi trom-inntinneach, sin galair a dh'fhagas neach caol." Going to the Glen where the nobles dwell Who maintained the Gaelic and who praised her. It was night when I reached the Glen and I went to the house of Tearlach Crotach where I often received kindness and where I listened to tales, fierce and funny. I knocked on the door and kind Tearlach came to open it. "Thank God, to be here," said I. "Thank God, for yourself," said he. "Is this the tall boy?" "It is," said I, "but if your hmp was straightened, you would be just as tall as I." "That's enough of that just now and sit down, for you've come on a good night. The Association of Truth are to have a conven? tion here tonight and we will be very hap? py for you to join us." Who should come in the door at that pre? cise moment but Ruairidh Dubh, Seumas Mor, and Domhnull Sunndach. I certainly re? ceived warm hand-shakes, so much so that Domhnull Sunndach almost removed my hand! "You are as cheerful as ever you were, Domhnull," I said. "Isn't that the right way," said he. "What good is it to be de? jected, for that's a disease that will leave a man thin." Often did I think of the tricks we played on our way to school. "Do you remember," INTRODUCING: LIST OF TAPES AVAILABLE FROM AGRI-TEL 564-6100 Agri-Tel is a free telephone information service for residents of Cape Breton, sponsored and man? aged by the Cape Breton Development Corporation. The service is easy to use and there's no cost. Just dial the toll free number 564-6100 (Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 4:30) and ask for the number of the tape you wish to hear. Often at the end of the recorded message there will be another source to call for more details. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: CAPE BRETON DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Point Edward Farm P. 0. Box 1750, Sydney, N. S. BIP 6T7 Phone: 562-6867 Mabou Farm, R. R. #3, Mabou, Inverness Co., N. S. BOE 1X0 Phone: 258-2194 BEEKEEPING 1. Introduction to beekeeping 2. Feeding bees 3. The first 50 days (with package bees) 4. Queen introduction 5. How to handle bees without being stung 6. Moving bees 7. Drugs, antibiotics to control bee diseas 8. Removal of the honey crop 9. Wintering of bee colonies in Nova Scotia 10. Blueberry pollination by honeybees STRAWBERRIES 11. Selecting & preparing strawberry sites 12. Strawberry planting 13. Care of strawberry after planting 14. Disease & pest control in strawberries 15. Mulching of strawberry plants 16. Everbearing strawberries 17. Renovating strawberries BLUEBERRIES 18. Lowbush blueberry weed control 19. Fertilizing lowbush blueberries 20. Harvesting lowbush blueberries LANDSCAPING 21. Soil preparation for sodding 22. Preparing soil for seeding 23. Buying grass seed for lawns 24. Turf diseases 25. Seeding a bluegrass lawn 26. Sodding a lawn I 27. Sodding a lawn II 28. Lawn fertilizing programme 29. Renovating old lawns 30. Planting trees and shrubs Part I 31. Planting trees and shrubs Part II TREE FRUITS 32. Planning your orchard 33. Soil preparation for young orchards 34. Tree selection for orchards 35. Planting fruit trees 36. Pruning fruit trees 38. Controlling slugs 39. Shade tree borers 40. Ants in the home 41. Common house plant pests I 42. Common house plant pests II 43. Coping with earwigs 44. Soil preparation for vegetable gardens 45. Soil preparation 46. Soil--the key to gardening 47. Soil testing HOME ECONOMICS 48. Common problems in jam & jelly making 49. How to make jams & jellies without s'gar 50. Making soft jelly firm 51. Making apple jelly adding pectin 52. Making crab apple jelly 53. Substituting honey & corn syrup in jams & jellies 54. Buying a pressure canner 55. Using a pressure Canner 56. Canning methods--hot vs. cold pack 57. Testing for a good seal 58. Selecting ingredients for pickling 59. Selecting canning jars 60. Preparing jars & lids for canning 61. Canning with sweeteners other than sugar 62. Why jars do not seal 63. Using a water bath canner 64. Why canned foods spoil 65. Preventing botulism 66. Differences between honey & sugar 67. Blanching vegetables--Why and how? 68. Freezing corn-on-the-cob 69. Making fruit leather 70. What is 4 - H? 71. Enrolling as a 4 - H member 72. Being a volunteer 4-H leader 73. Facts about 4 - H 74. How to raise money for 4-H clubs 75. Many facets of 4 - H participatior CHRISTMAS TREES 76. Thinning Christmas tree stands 77. Christmas tree shearing FOREST MANAGEMENT 78. Cleaning forest stands 79. Thinning forest stands 80. Planting tree seedlings 81. Woodlot weed control 82. Woodland road construction WOOD HEATING 83. Wood splitting • types & techniques 84. Selecting chimneys for wood stoves
Cape Breton's Magazine