Page 57 - Early History of the Coal Trade Part 2
ISSUE : Issue 36
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1984/6/1
go on as tenants at will, subject to six months' notice. They held the mines until February 5, 1800, upon these terms. To ensure the proper and efficient working of the mines. Sir John Wentworth, the Gov? ernor of Nova Scotia, suggested to the Sec? retary of State, in 1792, that it would be advisable to send out a competent engineer to inspect the mines, and to construct a stone pier at a more convenient place for shipment, as vessels were often detained waiting for their cargoes. Acting upon this suggestion, the British Government, in 1793, sent out Mr. Miller, a mining en? gineer, who proposed to erect a pier at In? dian Cove at an estimated cost of 2,822 1'. ; but this was not approved by the Govern? ment, as it was considered the amount of the coal sales did not justify such an out? lay, especially since the lessees of the mines had just rebuilt the old wharf. Mr. Miller held the office of Government Super? intendent of the mines until his death in 1799. (Mr. Miller was probably the first ?rson who noticed the fossil the coal measures of Cape Breton. In a pri? vate letter, addressed to Mr. King, the Un? der Secretary of State, he says: "I had some thoughts of sending a cask of petri? fied branches of trees, in part converted into coal, to my Lord Duke, if I was as? sured it would be acceptable to his Grace. This phenomenon favours the opinion that coal strata are no other than decayed for? ests compressed, indurated, and petrified. I could also send a trunk of a large tree petrified.") On reference to the Table I, it will be seen that the sales of coal, trifling as they were in amount, were subject to great fluctuations. This was owing, in a great measure, to the extensive depredations com? mitted on the coal seams in the cliffs a- long the coast. In one year more than 700 tons were taken from Cow Bay and other places to the island of St. Pierre alone. On October 11, 1790, the Governor informed the Secretary of State that at least three cruisers would be required to stop this illicit traffic. In the course of Don't touch that dial. Switch to TouchTone. Simple, durable and reliable like the basic dial phone, but so much easier on your finger. Push buttons are easier, faster and more fun. Basically better. Isn't it time you pushed for a little improvement around your house? Switch from dial to Touch Tone...there's no charge to change and the monthly rate is small. TouchTone Harmony • basically better. Visit your Phone Centre or call MT&T; today 539-9030 to place your order. GD MARITIME TEL&TEL; Touch Tone service may not be available In all areas; please lur local business office for details. The Harmony iuitable for one - party residence service only. Down North The Book of Cape Breton's Magazine Ronald Caplan. EJitor DOWN NORTH The Book of Cape Breton"' Magazine is a selec- tion of over 50 stories taken from the early issues of Cape Breton's Maga? zine. It is a per? manent collection with almost 400 pho? tos and illustra? tions, printed on white book paper, and with no ads. It makes a lasting gift of Cape Breton. DOWN NORTH costs ?12.95 in paperback or $19.95 hardcover. Order now from Cape Breton's Magazine, Wreck Cove, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia BOC IHO. (57)
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