Page 38 - From 'Company Town' to 'Labour Town'
ISSUE : Issue 37
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1984/8/1
Morrison of Glace Bay, this suggestion was rejected at the meetings of the Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities. In 1925 differ? ences also emerged over tactics for the settlement of the strike. By the third month of the strike the union appeared to be near defeat. At this stage many citi? zens hoped the coal miners would abandon their union and accept compulsory arbitra? tion in order to end the dispute: "No de? cent union man wants to break up his union and swallow his hard fought for principals (sic)," wrote McCawley in the Glace Bay Ga? zette, "but a mighty lot of them are hop? ing for somebody to start something of that kind so there will be a clean-up." These tensions appeared at the Glace Bay town council in the form of a resolution to apply for the use of compulsory arbitra? tion under the province's new Industrial Peace Act. At first Mayor Morrison and the labour councillors were able to block dis? cussion of the resolution. On 15 May, how? ever, the debate was renewed. Visiting spokesmen from the union locals and "the Business portion of the citizens" were al? so heard in the debate. In the absence of one of the labour, councillors, the contro? versial resolution was endorsed by a six to five vote. For their part, the coal companies left no doubt as to their attitude to the town councils during the 1920s. In Glace Bay, Dominion and New Waterford, town finances were thrown into chaos in 1925 when the coal company refused to continue the col? lection of poll-taxes through the company check-off; in Sydney Mines, where this method had not been used, the company re? fused to introduce it. In the Fall of 1924 there were reports that the company planned to name candidates for the Glace Bay town council in the spring elections. Most dramatically, in 1925 the Besco Bulle? tin, an official company publication, called for the virtual abolition of self- government in the coal towns. In most mu? nicipalities, the Bulletin noted, the coal companies paid "a very large proportion of the whole tax, and in none of them have the Companies any representation on the Councils." In Glace Bay the company's share of taxes was stated to be 49.0 per? cent, in New Waterford 68.9 percent, in Do? minion 66.6 percent, in Sydney Mines 42.5 HIGHLAND FLING Shop of Interest Many exclusive items in our large selection of quality crafts & souvenirs " 1 Soapstone & Wood Carvings I''H Bluenose Models Decorative Butterflies Leathercraft & Moccasins Paintings, Prints & Cards Handknit Sweaters Take your memories home on Kodak film PLEASANT BAY -THE JEWEL OF THE CABOT TRAIL Druker Insurance Charlotte St., Sydney . . . 562-5504 Mayflower Mall. ...... 564-1818 Will INSURE VIRTUALIY ANY CAR. HOUSE OR BUSINESS COMPARE RATES. YOU COULD SAVE. Phone Toll Free 1-564-6000 BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE IN EMERGENCY: Awie Druker, F.I.I.C. 564-6615 DO YOU WANT TO GO TO SEA? Become an officer in the Canadian Coast Guard. The Canadian Coast Guard Fleet is the sea-going arm of Transport Canada. Men and women from across Canada come to the Cana? dian Coast Guard College in Sydney, Nova Scotia, to train as Navigation and Marine Engineering Of? ficers. We offer free tuition, room and board, and uni? forms, a training allowance and a guaranteed posi? tion as a Watchkeeping Officer in the Canadian Coast Guard Fleet upon graduation. If you are interested in a challenging, well-paid career, send the Coupon today. Requests for applications will be accepted until January 31 of the year of entry. (Minimum entrance requirements are grade 12 aca? demic with Math, Physics, English and one year of French in grades 9, 10, 11, or 12.) I Transport Canada Coast Guard Transports Canada Garde c6ti're -% r" Canada gistrar, Canadian Coast Guard College, P. 0. Box 3000, Sydney, N. S. BIP 6K7 Please send me an information kit on the Transport Canada Coast Guard College. Name Address City School Street Province Apt. No. Postal Code Present Grade I (38)
Cape Breton's Magazine