Page 40 - A Legend Reconsidered "Granny Ross" by Elva E. Jackson
ISSUE : Issue 37
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1984/8/1
?..,?rf Silver Da ;Ur Shows ana '' '' '''' ''es, =S';Ss-- - . • ''..,.pr high-g''y f .on ve a pass ?; • , • Gei out and eAF{' 'J scallop '"-''!'rCelebrations. Vicome. -??,eatre parades, ''''"j''hat satisfies- re""i?"= J??ls.DogandHorse Lobsterandi-i' and W"?''!' nights.Great/'f • ec.pes .- ./cnecia 425'781 Honourable R. Fisher Hudson, 1' Minister of Tourism 'ssr*-
Cape Breton's Magazine