Page 32 - DesBarres's Plans for Sydney
ISSUE : Issue 38
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1985/1/1
Thomas Townsend, Lord Sydney. As is Sydney, Australia. Sydney, Nova Scotia, is a few years older. So all of this shows the great hope that he had for the city, the ambition that he had for the city. And he names a street after himself--the first street is DesBarres. Good for him! And oth? er members of the royal family, and mili? tary leaders. Lord Dorchester, who was the governor general of Canada at the time, in Quebec. He knew where the government house would be, and where the courthouse would be. And what they would look like. We have all the plans. He drew up a plan for a beautiful domed church in the round. That eventually, I think, transmogrified into St. George's round church in Halifax--which DesBarres helped plan. Then, being a capital city, he brought the military--the 33rd regiment. Arrived in By Sandra Rizzato (author & Patsy MacAulay MacKinnon (illustrator), New Water? ford. Project of Sydney Bicentennial Commission. WILCOME T0'B'H0U??E' ??''-'''ra Sp' ?' ??tS mm ?? ' . li irM' I 1 II Ml -HI! S An entertaining col? lection of recipes which reflect the hospitality and warmth of the kitch? ens and dining rooms of Sydney. Another celebration of Syd? ney's Bicentennial. The City of Sydney B yye!Q throwing a year-long party to celebrate ' our 200th Birthday Celebrate with Us / Mayo / Manning MacDonald BOTH BOOKS NOW ION SALE EVERYWHERE [Plans fori FEB 15 FEB 17-23 FEB 19 FEB 25 -MAR 1 MAR 1-3 MAR 8-10 MAR 8 MAR 10-16 MAR 10-16 MAR 10-16 MAR 10-16 MAR 10-16 MAR 11-16 MAR 15-17 MAR 15 MAR 16-17 MAR 29-31 MAR 31 TEA APR 3 Bicentennial Official Ball New Year's Satellite Balls/Dances around the City C.B. Gaelic Society--New Year's Ceilidh OPENING CEREMONIES • Guests, Fireworks, Torch Parade, Prizes, Music Mayor's Levee--6 p.m., Sydney Academy Bicentennial Choir, Festival Overture, & Anthem • Sr. Rita Clare St. George's Bicentennial Levee Ukrainian Christmas Christmas Tree Burning Display The Flying Fathers--sponsored by Regional Hospital Foundation Wildlife Week N.S. Wildlife Federation Annual Meeting/Convention Ukrainian Independence Day Robbie Burns Concert & Dance • C.B. Gaelic Society 2010 Time Capsule Policemen's Ball Children's Book Festival(McConnell Library 25th Anniv) Recreation Association of N.S. Convention Island Games--Dept. of Recreation Sports Night in Sydney Miss Teen Cape Breton Pageant CJCB Anniversary, Norris Nathanson Valentines Dance for Singles Valentines Dance for Couples 75th Anniv. of Guiding in Canada Pancake Festival Film Festival Family Services of Eastern N.S. Seminar Women Unlimited Conference International Women's Day Concert UCCB College Play Festival Bicentennial Incredible Youtft Festival Children's Week in Sydney " Seniors Break Boys & Girls Club Week in Sydney C.B. Senior Mens Ball Hockey Tournament Atlantic Old Timers Hockey Tournament (Ukrainian) Taras Shevchenko Day Bicentennial Salute to the Irish C.B. Dorados Swim Club Bicentennial Invitational "A" Swim Meet Italian Cultural Easter Tea (Invitation Only) Bicentennial Armed Forces Ball (CFS) Easter Bonnet Parade, Easter Egg Rolling Contest Easter Egg Decorating Workshop & Easter Bread Display (Ukrainian) Last Supper Ceremony Rink Rat Reunion C.B. Song Contest N.S. Teachers Bowling Tournament Tourism Trade Show--C.B. Tourist Bureau Caravan '85--C.B. School of Crafts • Juried Exhibition Vincent Massey lODE Fashion Show 1785-1985 Fashion Show Highland Rod & Gun Club Annual Awards Night & Lobster Supper Professional Secretaries Week (Int'l) Volunteer Week in Sydney Bicentennial Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic Gaelic Society Oidhche Leis na Baird Concert TBA MAY MAY 1-3 MAY 5-6 MAY 9-12 MAY 12 MAY 12-18 MAY 12 MAY 16? MAY 17-19 MAY 18-19 MAY 18-20 MAY 18-20 MAY 19 MAY 25 MAY 26 MAY 31 -JUNE 2 JUNE 1 JUNE 2 JUNE 7-9 JUNE 7-9 JUNE 8 JUNE 9 JUNE 15-16 JUNE 16 JUNE 16 JUNE 19 JUNE 21-23 JUNE 22 JUNE 23 TBA Regional Conf Barbershop Mo Mary Queen of Battle of the Male Barbersh Filming of Me Sydney Stamp Commemorative Special Mothe Official Open K.O.C. Conven Girls Mini Ba Bicentennial Sydney Garden Sydney Founde Unveiling Des Ukrainian Par N.S. Command Seagull Skydi Maritime Mode Cossitt Famil Artists Rall> St. Theresa's Hosts C.W.L. Faith Baptist Royal Visit Visit of Mayc for '85 Road Race 2010 Time Ca|: Female Barbei Competition/( Armed Forces Bicentennial Ukra n Wai JUNE 27-30 Alii JUNE 27 -JULY 1 JUNE 27 -JULY 1 JUNE 29 -JULY 1 JUNE 28 -JULY I JULY I N.S. Special Tops Convent' 25th Anniveri Bicentennial Canadian Spoi Backup Date ?? St. Andrew's Louisbourg % Polish Const Lobster Supp' Roman Cathol Ward Days (6 ; for '85- JULY Reunic Children's A Canada Day C Lieutenant G Sydney Acade Scottish Fid Ceilidh, Squ r' SYDNEY 200 Help Us Celebrate For more information on Bicentennial events, call the Sydney Bicentennial C
Cape Breton's Magazine