Page 5 - In the North River Lumber Woods
ISSUE : Issue 7
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1974/3/1
I liked it. If I was to have my life to live over I'd go there again. There was all kinds of entertainment. They played cards, they sang, danced, they had violin, bag? pipes • there was all kinds of it. On Sundays perhaps 25 or 30 of my bimch would be visiting other camps and we'd get 25 or 30 from other camps visiting their friends. They could raise hell till 9 or 9:30. Then after that everything was quietness. When the boss said bunktime, they all went to bed. Tote Teams landing supplies at the Depot Camp and John Joseph Gillis today. George Hamm, Bookkeeper: Barnjum was pure and simple a promoter, looking around for something to promote. And he played with thing for quite a long time. He had a saw? mill there and he shipped some pulpwood in the summer. He was the one that formed the North River Lumber Company. The North River operation was small, probably would? n't be more than 30 or 40 men. The first mill burnt. Sometimes those accidents hap? pen a lot. They happen with a little push and they happen accidently. In those days, 2-3 cents on a dollar and you could discharge bankrupt. There were 3 or 4 men in with Barnjum, and they had the lease for 625,000 acres. He was the front man. I don't know the exact amount but I'd say the lease paid a rent of perhaps S25,000. It Top LeftrGordon Harvey, Manager: George Hamm, Bookkeeper: Bill Ross; Harry Saxton. Stockroom; Marjorie • -- ; Right; Frank J. D, Barnjum. Promoter; his housekeeper, Bella Matheson; Sarah MacDonald (mother of Mrs, George Hamm) who ran the boarding- house; and John J, Matheson on the steps. Below: The mill at the Murray Road with an enormous pile of wood to the rear, the conveyor running off to the right and the boarding house the white building to the left. Cape Breton's Magazine/S
Cape Breton's Magazine