Page 53 - A Visit with Wilfred Prosper, Eskasoni
ISSUE : Issue 38
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1985/1/1
the morning the farmers go and tend to the animals, and they'd find them full of sweat, they're just frothing with sweat. And some of them had died. Mostly horses. And their tails would be all braided. And their manes and everything. They'd be run? ning wild, and right nervous and every? thing . So they contacted the bishop or the priests or--the bishop, I guess, of the di? ocese there. And there was a bunch of"--I don't know if it was a bunch or a priest-- "came down with this cross. You'll see that, you'll see that cross up there. And they took the cross up there and planted it there." So sure enough, after dinner--I don't know if Noel ate his dinner. But anyway, we went--it wasn't too far from there, maybe 20 miles, I guess. So he said, "Stop here." I stopped. "Now," he said, "pull ahead a 'Z'> '-.T?' rT"'' ,' • Sf?*?
Cape Breton's Magazine