Page 20 - Searching for "Donald from Bras d'Or"
ISSUE : Issue 39
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1985/6/1
When Donald was in Boston He get upon a spree, A big six foot Polisman Says, come along wis me; A prisoner was Donald Until his trial next day. When twenty dollars in greenbacks Poor Donald had to pay. When Donald heard the 185th. Was going off to war Says he "I'll throw away my pick I won't dig any more; When the Colonel sees how smart I am And how well I earn my pay He'll make of me a Major, Or a Captain, anyway." When the train pulled out with Donald The folks all wept and cried. Says Donald "Do not grieve my friends, I'll fill your hearts with pride; With breast adorned with medals I'll seek my native shore And in the House of Parliament I'll represent Bras d'Or." When Donald came to Aldershot He sought the Colonel out, Saye he "I hear you want a man To put the Huns to rout." Says the Colonel to the Adjutant "Have I seen this man before?" The Adjie smiled and sweetly said; "It's Donald from Bras d'Or." The following nine verses were created dur? ing a reunion of Rhodes Scholars at Oxford University in 1929. There was a group a- mong them who had served in the 185th, and they gathered and brought back memories of those days. And, as the letter below makes quite clear, one among them was "Donald himself"--Donald from Bras d'Or. The let? ter was spurred by Bud Hull's sending Bill Stuart the nine verses made by these friends during the trip to the reunion in England on the Empress of Scotland, or dur? ing the reunion itself. Here are those verses, probably named after the various authors: Uncle Ned When Donald sailed the Ocean! On the C. P.'s famous Line He met his match in Uncle Ned, For at every dinner time They started off on side cars And rode the entire line And it's hard to tell at this late day Who made the better time. George When Donald gave a party It never was complete Till Georgle Porgie Hurley Got up upon his feet • And in words of seven syllables And of a meaning quaint Informed the crowd of all that is • And oftener what ain't! Donald When they first heard of Donald The night was growing late • But no one left the party Until they knew his fate • They wondered where he'd gone And everyone did stay Until the early Dawn Announced the Colonel Day. Ramsay's 'HondaShop Motorcycles, Parts & Accessories' 480 Grand Lake Road 539-7644 Sydney 539-1730 HmREASONYouRnm (20) Jacques-Cartier Motel M. Mme. Roger Poirier, P.O. Box 555, Sydney, N. S. Motel: (902)539-4375. Residence: (902)562-2414 FRANCAIS 2 Kilometres de I'Aeroport ENGLISH • aroNEY OHOiaiNG Ce're Happy 200th Birthday Sydney! Serving You for 25 Years IBILL'S PET CENTRE SAM THE RECORD MAN SUPER TOUCH T'S ISHOPPERS DRUG MART RADIO SHACK SOBEYS TIM HORTON'S AGNEW SURPASS FINDINGS JEWELLERY TAKE A BREAK RED WAGON ENTERPRISES FUN VILLA CANDY 'N THINGS GALS & GUYS HAIRWORKS NATIONAL FILM BOARD BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA SONY STORE MARK'S WORK WAREHOUSE ZELLERS FLOWER FACTORY COLES BOOKS NATIONAL VIDEO JEAN DEPOT CORONET CARDS REITMAN'S BUDGET PHOTO MAHERS METROPOLITAN BOL MORE LANES OLYMPIC SHOE REPAIR IMPERIAL OPTICAL AIR TRANSFER OPEN MON.-SAT. 10 a.m.-10 p.iii.
Cape Breton's Magazine