Page 36 - The Steel Boom Comes to Sydney, 1899
ISSUE : Issue 39
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1985/6/1
and a vote passed empowering the Legisla? ture of Nova Scotia to exempt steel works, that might be erected in the town of Syd? ney, from taxation forever.... (We) ven? tured to ignore that mandate...." What Syd? ney did give was about 450 acres of land valued at $83,000, a free water supply, and exemption from taxation for 30 years. There is also the implicit xmderstanding that the town would undertake whatever measures proved necessary to accommodate such an expanded populace as iron and steel would bring. From the very beginning it was realized that having the steel plant in place was not enough. Announcing that it would def? initely be established at Sydney, the In? dustrial Advocate: "... Its main influence will be to promote various subsidiary in? dustries which will naturally cluster a- round and grow up with the larger under? taking." This was a continuing theme. Whit? ney repeated it in September in his speech to the people of Sydney: "Industries that depend upon the production of these metals are bound to follow. I have no doubt... and unless I am greatly mistaken, before many years the production of this vast con? cern will stretch from Atlantic to the Pa? cific, and the material manufactured be ex? hibited in all marts of the world. To the province of Nova Scotia will be restored its old shipbuilding industry." The August Industrial Advocate suggested a manufactur- er of agricultural implements be sought as soon as the iron works are open, and said that it had been "reported" that the Mont? real Rolling Mills had opened negotiations to locate in Sydney. But above all, the hope was shipbuilding: "When then a niimber of hard-headed, wealthy, widely experi? enced, shrewd businessmen have a vision of a vast shipbuilding industry being estab? lished at Sydney, we take it that, in Shel? ley's words, there is likely to be another illustration of the mind creating 'the thing it contemplates.'" But the Industrial Advocate recognized that it would require more than contempla? tion to get that shipbuilding industry or any other. There were assurances required "... that iron and coal would be permanent; that no fiscal or political changes are likely to bring danger to the enterprise; that the foundations of cheap material and labour will not be disturbed; and that in? dustry will have a clear course inob- structed by anything except fair competi? tion, which is not feared.... The high character and business ability of the men engaged... leave little doubt that the pro? ject will assume vast proportions and that there is opening#up for Cape Breton an era of prosperity in which the whole province will share." By August of 1902, the Island Reporter (quoted in Industrial Advocate) "pleads for further measure of manufacturing enter? prise in connection with the steel indus? try at Sydney.... An English manufacturer ... intimates... he will establish a plant for manufacture of finished products in i- ron wherever the best inducements are of? fered. .. . If it is a question of a bonus," continued the Industrial Advocate, "we see no reason why something in this direction could not be done. We bonused the steel (36 /chuiciilz YOUR HOME FOR QUALITY HOME FURNISHINGS, TV, STEREO, VCR, AND APPLIANCES -il/' CONGRATULATIONS hTsv'v'oo SYDNEY ' • **-' BICENTENNIAL /chuiciflz UIW PRICE GUARANIEE. /chuioiar SERVICE QUALITY TRUST IN CAPE BRETON FOR OVER 60 YEARS SYDNEY 325 Vulcan Ave. * 539-4404 Open Mon-Fri: 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. GLACE BAY WATERBED SHOWROOM 46 Commercial St. * 849x1949 Open Mon, Tue, Wed, Sat: 9-5 Thu & Fri:. 9-9 ' Celebrate Canada's Heritage Canada's National Parks are having a birthday this year and you're invited. Free Heritage Log Book and Calendar of Events: Have your Heritage Log Book stamped with the symbols of the parks you visit. There are 31 symbols to collect. Pick up your Log Book & Events Calendar at tourist bureaus, national parks or write to Parks Canada and request them. Parks Canada Historic Properties Upper Water Street Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1S9 Canada
Cape Breton's Magazine