Page 38 - The Steel Boom Comes to Sydney, 1899
ISSUE : Issue 39
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1985/6/1
extensive manufacturing industries, and that the whole of the Dominion of Canada will profit large? ly by the operations recently commenced by your company at Sydney.... After the applause which greeted the address had subsided, Mr. Whitney rose to respond, but his ap? pearance was so rapturously received that he was forced to remain some time standing before he could attempt to speak. He said: "... I am here not only as a private citizen, but I find myself in a public capacity with certain public duties to perform.... "We are exceedingly pleased with the location which you have so liberally provided for us. I desire here and now to thank the mayor and council of Sydney, who have enabled us to proceed so promptly with the construction.... "I believe that the foundation of this huge indus? try will be ready before the close of the year, and next summer these immense buildings, which are to produce wealth and prosperity in your land, will begin to rise rapidly before your eyes. Those interested are largely citizens of Canada, and the capital itself is chiefly drawn from the Ddminion, and the personnel of the directorate are your own countrymen.... "We are henceforth and forever to be partners to? gether in this great enterprise. We could not if we would be separate. To me is alloted the task of developing in your midst this huge industry; to you belong the care of the home and the social life. My task is, perhaps, easier than yours. To neither will it be a merry march to the music of flutes and soft recorders.... You have your water systems, your sewerage, your street regulations, your lighting, and various other duties, before you. All these facilities must be immediately pro? cured. The question of your drainage is very mater? ial, and I would advocate the citizens of this town that they cannot too soon take up the subject of laying put streets, and that they cannot, for the sake of themselves and future generations, al? low further inattention to a well regulated sewage system. Thoroughly assured sanitary conditions means security to life. "I believe that the establishment of these iron works will be the means of introducing the town of Sydney to the length and breadth of the whole world. I cannot control my enthusiasm when I think of the future. The dormant energies of the country will be awakened. Here, right at our very doors, is the basic source of all prosperity. We know that on yonder spot all the elements that go to produce iron and steel, can be assembled cheaper than on any other spot on the face of the earth. We have limestone almost at our feet, immense coal fields right at hand, and magnificent iron areas within a few hours sail from the centre of produc? tion. It has been demonstrated that Cape Breton coal is the best in the world for metallurgical purposes.... "You have expressed a wish that I shall become one of you. I have no other choice, and I am delighted to be able to meet your desires. Know that hereaf? ter my life and my lot is one with you. To this spot, by mysterious means, have my feet been guided. 'There is a destiny that shapes our ends, rough them how we will.' "The establishment of the iron and steel works sig? nifies more than the works alone. Industries that depend upon the production of these metals are bound to follow. I have no doubt that there will be a gradual extension from one thing to another, and, unless I am greatly mistaken, before many years the production of this vast concern will stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and the material manufactured be exhibited in all the marts of the world. "To the province of Nova Scotia will be restored its old shipbuilding industry.... "To me belongs the duty of expanding commercially the influence of these works. Another and more mo? mentous duty is yours • the expansion of the influ? ence of the home and social morality. I can assure you that there is nothing that affords me more con? cern than the character of your civic administra? tion. You must demand through your suffrages a do? mestic government that will ensure virtuous homes and healthful lives. The direction of domestic con? ditions requires from you the utmost care and so? licitude, for are not good moral laws purchased by that eternal vigilance which is the price of liber? ty? Enforcement of sumptuary regulations in your midst is of the first importance. Who is so strong that he can guard himself from temptation? The voice of fathers and mothers, and those to whose care is confided the protection of the home and fireside, goes up to heaven laden with the prayer, 'Lead Us Not Into Temptation.' If you have laws which regulate the traffic in strong drink let the moral strength of the community manifest itself in a vigorous co-operation with your civic representa? tives in their endeavor to have those regulations enforced. "We are now bound together in the indissoluble ties of friendship. I will, on my part, make the name of Sydney resound far and wide. For the healthy social life and the moral prosperity of the people rest with you and not with me. It is your duty to mould the character of the youthful generation. But my efforts in this direction will always be at your disposal. In conclusion, let me express my gratitude for the sentiment that prompted you to offer me the opportunity to meet you publicly, and let me assure you that it is my earnest hope that the memory and influence of this assembly will survive to the end of time." Loud and prolonged applause. After the mayor had announced that an opportunity would be given to the citizens to meet Mr. Whitney on the platform, the Sydney comet band played with musical vigor and emphasis, the "Star-Span- gled Banner." We cover the island, and we don't mind travelling. Call: 539-2677 Highland Office Products O SALES SERVICE LEASING 'l VMDIA ACROSS THE STREET FROM K-MART, BEHIND WILSON'S HARDWARE V#LpI lvir'l#% MAPLE AVENUE, SYDNEY (38)
Cape Breton's Magazine