Page 56 - Joseph D. Samson Tells an Old Tale
ISSUE : Issue 39
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1985/6/1
le handler et pi du cordage. Y'emportirent du cordage tant qui n'en vouliang. Toujou, y m'nurent au trou. Quand qui m'nurent au trou, c'ta tchi d'zeux qu'alla descende dans I'trou. Qa. fa Brise-Montin dit, "J'm'aller y ouaire moi, providing que vous m'hauliez back si tcheque a faire arrive." Ca fa Brise-Montin abbarque dans le panier'pi y 1'enouailrent. Pi y'aviang une clothe. Y'aviang apporte une cloche avec zeux. Si y foula qui y mon- tirent back, foula qui sounnit la cloche pour monter. Quand qui m'nu a peu pra la motche, y sounnit la cloche, y sera abige de monter. Brise-Fer pi Brise-Bois y deman- dit, "Coummain ca se fa que tu t'as pas rendu--que t'as'pas ete ouaire quoi-ce qui ava la?" "Ah," y dit, "nang, y'ava trop de trein. Trop de tatamare pi ca I'air trop wild pour pouaire gagner la. J'gagnerons jama la." "Beh," Brise-Bois dit, "si t'as pas pu y aller toi, moi j'vas aller ouaire." Ca fa y'abarque dans le panier, y 1'en? ouailrent . Beh y fut ain p'tit brin pu loin pi quand y fut la, y soune la cloche pi y furent abige de 1'monter. Pi la, Brise-Fer y demandit, y'eta en haut, y dit, "Quoi-ce qui a de wrong, vous pouvez vous rende?" "Beh," y dit, "ca que j'peux comprende, c'ai la Bete a ??ept Tetes qu'ai la. Pi a ia langue gouillage, t'ai pas capable de comprendre rien avec toutes sortes d'af? faires qui va on. J'sus pas capable de com? prendre rien. C'ai dangereux de te rendre." CONTINUED NEXT PAGE drinking at their mother, drinking milk and things like that. For 7 years. After the 7 years, they went back for a walk. And then they found that they were pretty good. Well, one came back, and he went in the forge, and he got the black? smith to make him a cane, a thousand-pound cane, walking cane, thousand pounds. So he said, "With this, we should be able to fight our way through the world." So there was a king, and he had his girl stolen by a giant. And he had never found her. And the guy that had stolen the girl, he had put her in a hole underground, where nobody would find her. And he had 3 giants to look after her, and a beast they call the Seven-Headed Beast. Well, the king put like a word outside, if there was anybody that'd find this girl and take her over to him, he would give her to them to be married--give his girl to be married. Well, that was all right. So they started to go in the woods to try to find the girl. Being she had been stol? en, they would have liked to find where she was. So they walked and walked imtil they found a big hole in the ground. When they found the hole in the ground, they were trying to listen in the hole. They couldn't see any bottom or anything. Tried to look and listen. They couldn't hear too much. So, Brise-Fer told the other guys, "You go down to that city, go downtown. Buy me a big basket, and plenty of rope." He said, "I want to go down there and find out what is in there." So they went down, they INTERNATIONAL YO U T H YEAR Participation • Development • Peace At a special ceremony in the Red Chamber of Province House, Halifax, on January 24, 1985, the Premier, the Honourable John M. Buchanan, Q.C., signed a proclamation marking the observance in Nova Scotia of 1985 as International The ceremony was witnessed by an audience of over 100, mainly those in the 16 to 24 age group representing youth organizations, university student councils, vocational and technical institutions, adult vocational centres, school boards and multi-cultural groups. So designated by the United Nations, International Youth Year, with its theme, "Participation, Development, Peace," seeks to promote the integration of youth concerns and interests with those of other groups in society, and an understanding and appreciation of the contribution young people can, and do, make to society. As the Minister designated to co-ordinate the province's observance of International Youth Year, I felt there was an important need for a directory of programs and services provided by our provincial government departments, agencies and commissions for young people between the ages of 16 and 24. Such a publication, entitled "Directory of Youtfi Services," has now been printed and is available, free of charge, by writing to: Mr. W. Garth, Secretary, lYY Interdepartmental Committee, PO Box 578, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2S9, (902) 424-4138 Herring Choker Deli At NYANZA, on. Hwy 105 between Whycocomagh & Baddeck natural foods specialty foods Indian Bay Bakery St. Peters Drug Store Ltd. Don Stone, Ph. C, Proprietor Open 6 Days a Week Mon. to Fri. open until 8 p.m. Sat. until 5 p.m. 535-2203 St Peters, N.S. >CI 9 ? 8 (56) Comfortable, Open Fireplace Dining Room Historic Telegraph House and Motel Ltd. Est. 1861 - Five Generations of the Dunlop Family Baddeck, Nova Scotia BOE IBO Telephone 295-9988
Cape Breton's Magazine