Page 66 - Adventures of Capt. David A. MacLeod
ISSUE : Issue 39
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1985/6/1
Miseltord bound up to Riga with general cargo to load wheat for Liverpool. This was one of the most home-like ships I ever was in. All hands ate aft at first and second tables; coffee in the morning watch and we took our time at everything--no rush? ing or swearing allowed. Every Sunday the Captain held service in the cabin. Come if you wanted to. You were asked but not compelled. Riga was the on? ly port I ever saw women working at cargo in a ship's hold. The wheat was carried on board on their backs. We arrived back in Liverpool in March, 1877. I joined the Yarmouth ship. Magnolia, bound out to Arichat, Cape Breton, loaded with salt and old craft, very poorly found both below and aloft. She was ready for sea and waiting for some men when I went into the shipping office in Liverpool. I met the Captain of the Magnolia who wanted to ship me at once, so I signed on--something I would not have done if I had seen the ship had only one boat. You could see daylight through her lying on her skids. We came to the vicinity of Arichat in 23 days. A half gale of Easterly wind and fog most all the way. Hove to in mid ocean in a gale of wind. We were near run down by the ship Royal Har? ry of Yarmouth, running dead before it under main lower topsail and close reefed foresail. She car? ried away our bunkins aft and spanker--a mighty close shave. We signalled for a pilot. A fisherman came on board. We were bound around to D'Escousse to dis? charge salt. Our pilot knew nothing about working a ship at all. He said to our Captain, "You put the ship around that point (pointing to Cape Ho- gan) and keep him well out clear." I was at the wheel. We passed Green Island on our port side, coming abreast to Cape Le Round. He told our Cap? tain to run up the flag for another pilot, for his run was up. Another pilot came on board. He was a farmer. He said he knew the course up to D'Es? cousse, but could not work the ship. Beating into St. Peter's Bay, we nearly struck on shoals called "the Samsons." Finally we came to anchor off Grushey's place, and commenced discharging salt to the fishing boats. I don't think I was ever in a craft when the crew had such poor respect for their officers. Our first mate was a Newfoundlander who had been a good man in his time, but now was over 70 years of age. We had two Liverpool bucks on board. The 2nd mate was a Norwegian and the 2 Liverpool men got the run on him before we were on board a day. These men, Kelly and Sullivan, would just work car? go when they liked. My father heard I was on board this ship, so he met our Captain and got leave for me to go home CHETICAMP BICENTENNIAL 1785-1985 The past 200 years have witnessed notable events in the busy community jpj of Cheticamp. Countless men and women have made their contributions to the historical wealth of this Acadian village. In 1985, the people of Cheticamp celebrate the Bicentennial in the Acadian spirit with liveliness and joy. Official dates for the festivities are: JULY 14 TO AUGUST 18 Help Us Celebrate Our 200th Birthday! For more information on Bicentennial events, call the Cheticamp Bicentennial Commission at 224-3349, or drop us a line at: P. 0. BOX 430, CHETICAMP, INVERNESS COUNTY, NOVA SCOTIA BOC IHO St. Ann's Pastoral Charge United Church of Canada Bids You Welcome to Cape Breton The United Church is the union of Methodist, Presbyterian, Congregationalist, and the Evangelical United Brethren congregations at Englishtown, North River, and Skir Dhu. For hours of worship contact 929-2786. Minister: The Rev. Ivan Gregan, B.A., M.Div. a''ffs Have a Good Stay in Cape Breton! ofj'ffs (Furniture courtesy Boimell-Lubetzki' s, Sydney) Island Crafts A Unique Shop Featuring Locally Handcrafted Items Beautifully displayed children's toys, sweaters, and accessories; fashionable hand-knit sweaters in a variety of colours and patterns; excellent weaving, quilts, unique pottery, handpainted jewelry, wood? work, Christmas display year round, and ever popular Cheticamp rug hooking. A complete souvenir line. OPEN YEAR ROUND: MONDAY TO SATURDAY, 9 TO 5; FRIDAY, 9 TO 9 Wholesale: full line of souvenirs 539-6474 329 Charlotte St, Sydney 564-5527 a projact of Cap* Braton Oaveiopfflant Corporation
Cape Breton's Magazine