Page 16 - Hector Carmichael, a Maker of Songs
ISSUE : Issue 7
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1974/3/1
The Horse Song; 1) Ronald Steele's red horse was itching from lice, since they ate his flesh they left not an inch of skin on him. 2) 'Twas about the beginning of the New Year, he went over to Gerald with him: He heard he was skilled in examining the brute. 3) When he reached the Cul (back) he never recognized it (that is, the horse) till he said to him in English: "Can you treat this animal?" 4) Said Gerald to him angrily, "You haven't fed it properly since before Hallowe'en." 5) "Get home with it immediately before the mare and foal are infested and never again let me see you a- broad in our town," 6) "But if you take it over behind the barn and skin it, I could make new shoes for you by Hallowe'en (November)."7) There was never on the highway a bridled animal as comely as he. He would travel with you in the snow like a deer • if you fed him on oats. 8) He was such a lively beast, driving school children around: when he would understand a command, few would be ahead of him, 9) 'Twas Roland who was sad, heading for home with him: and there was not a raven around the Cul but followed him along the shore. 10) When he reached the Cove, he was lathered in sweat. Says he to Bessie in the store, "Give him his fill of straw." When they used to have weddings long ago they didn't have halls, they used to have the weddings in the houses. And they used to dance and sing songs. I never made up songs about a wedding. That wouldn't be right. And no love songs. Not much love in me, you know. But this one is about two fellows that was butchering a pig. Oran na Muice (The Pig Song, sung to the air of Tha Buaidh air an Uisge Bheath' • The Virtues of Whiskey) 1) Do chuala sibh na buidsearan A th'againn as an duthaich seo 'Se Benny is Mac Ghrubhaig Tha fuireach air taobh shuas deth. 2) Mu thoiseach na bliadhn' uire Bha mhuc a bh'ac ri bhuidsearadh Bha eoghan 's gunna's fudar aig 'S ann leig e smuid mu cluasan. 3) Bha Benny ged bu tapaidh e Nuair rug e air a chas aice Gun d'thilg i air a tharsainn e Is thug i casan luath leith? 4) Bha Benny 'se bh'air botunnan ??S cha robh sin a cordadh ris • S an car a bh'anns na sroinean ac' Cha throtadh e gle luath leoS The Pig Song: 1> Did you hear of the butchers we have here • Benny and MacGruvaig who lives up the road from him? 2) About the beginning of the New Year, they had a pig to butcher; and Hugh with his gun and powder • didn't he let her have it in the ear. 3) Though Benny was a plucky fellow, he was flung on his side as he caught her leg • and she fled at great speed. 4) Benny was not very happy with the rubber boots he had on; he couldn't trot very swiftly because the toes were so upturned. 5) Hugh however had snow shoes on his feet and he was able to keep up with her till hunger got the better of* him. 6) When she reached the pasture and disappeared from sight, Hugh sent a message to Halifax for the 'plane to chase her. 7) John Michael's daugh? ter heard her and went in to tell him that there was something unnatural squealing up the road. 8) John Nicholson saw her and though he was a sensible man, she frigh? tened him greatly when she raced around him. 9) Said Anna in a cocky fashion: "Lord, were I wearing trousers, I would allow neither of you to put knife or bullet in her." 5) Bha Eoghan 's bha brog-shneachd aige 'Se sud a bh'air na casan aig' Gus na bhuail an t-acras e Bha e cumail suas ri. 6) Nuair thug i roach am pastar aisd' 'Sa thug i as an t-sealladh oirr', Chuir Eoghan fios gu Halifax Ata 'plane' a chuir ga ruaigeadh. 7) Chuala nigh'n Eoin Mhicheal i 'S chaidh i steach a dh'innse dha G' robh rudaigin mi-choltach A bigeil an taobh shuas dith. 8) Chunnaic Iain MacNeagail i 'S ged bu duine tuigseach e Gun d'chuir i moran clisgeadh siir Nuair thug i ruith mun cuairt air. 9> Thuirt Anna 's i cho bigeanta "A righ, nam biodh briogais orm Cha leiginn gin dh'an dithis agaibh Chuir biodag innt' na luaidhe." It's Time to Start Rolling BICYCLE &TRICYCLE; SALES SERVICE & PARTS 2f 3, 4, 5 and 10-speed a specialty Scott's Hardware 464 Prince Street, Sydney 564-6401 Cape Breton s Magazine/16 20 Spacious Rooms with Full Bath & Shower Sun Deck overlooks beautiful Canso Strait Color Television .oorFrlen.' ' Oban Motel' and Gift Shop Box 191, Port Hastings, Nova Scotia Telephone 625-1113
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