Page 38 - At St. Ann's Day Mission, 1923
ISSUE : Issue 40
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1985/8/1
and prayer alternating. As persons passed over the door sill, they kissed it. The group moved up the centre aisle and then turned to the left to where the images stood, their feet to be kissed and small coins "thrown" to them. It was a devout picture, of a kind rarely seen on this con? tinent . Have you "a strong heart, a pure heart," any sickness you have is sure to be cured "by going to see St. Ann on your knees." Not joining the procession, but kneeling at the church door, was a boy of 14 with the "king's evil," as Mrs. Morris des? cribed it, his hands deformed and on face and neck pustulent sores. To the old-time European term corresponded her view that the disease was certainly not transmissi? ble, "nobody can catch it." Did he not have several brothers and sisters and did he not play with other children and yet his was the only case of the malady? He had been "rotten since bom," and twice in a hospital, but they could not cure him.. .. I came back to the subject with her, for the case was pitiful and seeing the boy with the other children was upsetting. She saw I was affected. "You are scared," she said sympathetically, "I know, he frightened you." That was the Indian of her. "King's evil," early French or Scotch; but, "he frightened you!" abiding Indian. Men's Dinner, Assembly, Acclamation of Chiefs The dinner took place about half past four in the afternoon. Bread and tea (or a mon? ey equivalent) were contributed from each wigwam and carried to the grand wigwam (kchi wigwom), the poles of which had been covered the day before with canvas, and the entrance closed with a frame door. Within the grand wigwam the chiefs, the pudus', the captains, perhaps others, were to eat; and, outside, fronting the door, the other males, of all ages, little boys included. All these stood about the wigwam to sing a "grace," and again in conclusion they sang their "thanks to God." The actu? al eating, seated on the ground, was al? most a formal affair, it lasted only about 10 minutes, and then the food was redis? tributed. Now some women came up to re? ceive cups and pieces of bread, 3 or 4 wom? en even went inside the grand wigwam.... The men take seats in a circle around the wigwam entrance, and from within an ad? dress is made for about 5 minutes. Were it not for the noise of playing children, the talk could have been heard very well by the groups of women and girls who stood or sat at various distances between the men and the other wigwams. All the ladies were wearing their best clothes, store clothes, with the exception of a few full skirts and jackets. After the address, there is a shout from within and a song--a capitehn' is being ac? claimed, and is singing. Out he steps, dis? tinguished as a captain by the moon-cres- THE A THE Ceilidh XL Cabot Trail *'Trail WILL YE NO COME BACK AGAIN* No matter where you stay in the county of Inverness you will enjoy spectacularly beautiful ''''re are countless little coves to countryside complemented by explore, the warmest beaches in a rugged dramatic coastline. ''' Maritimes, hiking trails up to rocky mountain glens. Ask for the day trip brochures at any provincial tourist booth. (38) "Our beaches have the Aarmest A/aters, our people have the kindest hearts." THE INVERNESS COUNTY MUNICIPAL TOURIST COMMITTEE BOX 179 PORT HOOD, NOVA SCOTIA
Cape Breton's Magazine