Page 44 - Advert: Stora
ISSUE : Issue 40
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1985/8/1
The management and staff of Nova Scotia Forest Industries are pleased to announce a corporate name change asofJune27J985. Something old Stora Kopparberg established Nova Scotia Pulp Limited in 1957. It was the company's first division outside of Europe. Pulp production began in Port Hawkesbury in 1961. After a newsprint mill was completed in 1972 the entire operation was renamed Nova Scotia Forest Industries. ometjims ote Stora Kopparberg of Falun, Sweden, is the oldest company in the world. Established in 850 AD, the company got its start in copper mining. By 1870 the firm was heavily involved in forestry and was Sweden's largest company in that industry. Today Stora Kopparberg is also involved in hydro-electricity production in Sweden, and is one of the world's largest forestry operations. Something ne''f On April 25,1985, Stora Kopparberg became known simply as Stora. To reflect the association with its parent company. Nova Scotia Forest Industries changes its name, as of June 27,1985 to STORA' Stora Forest Industries Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia A member of the Stora Group, Falun, Sweden
Cape Breton's Magazine