Page 55 - A Letter, 1922: Alexander Graham Bell Dies at Baddeck
ISSUE : Issue 40
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1985/8/1
A Letter, 1922: I AlManGler Graham Bell /Dies at Baddeck It is 100 years since Alexander Graham and Mabel Bell first came to Baddeck. The area became their summer place, their workshop, their home, and their grave. A, G. Bell died August 2, 1922. He was buried August 4. Mabel lived another 5 active months. She died January 2, 1923, and her ashes were placed in A. G. Bell's grave at Beinn Bhreagh. What follows is a letter from their daughter Mar? ian (Mrs. David Fairchild) to her sister and broth? er-in-law (Elsie and Gilbert Grosvenor) in South America. "Beinn Bhreagh" Baddeck Nova Scotia Simday, Aug. 6, 1922 My darling Elsie and Bert I will try to tell you all about it • every detail that you will want to know. When David and I arrived Sunday July 30, 6:30 A. M. , Casey (Baldwin), Mabel (Bell) and Barbara (L. Fairchild, her daughter) met us and Casey said the change had come the day before--it was the first time they had felt the end was near. Father knew us-- and said he wished you and Bert were there but most of the time he was only half con? scious . We tried to get someone from Boston in con? sultation and sent for a nurse--but the end came too soon. Father was up Sunday on the sofa and again Monday but with much ef? fort. He didn't suffer at all but he was very weak and panted for breath, Tuesday afternoon he said to Mother, "I want to say something nice to Elsie--dear." David gave me a pencil and I wrote it down. He groped a little for the names--and I ha;d to help him a little and Elsie darling it is my fault that he did not definitely mention Gertrude and Carol (the Grosvenors' daughters) . His voice was so>*4.trong I had no idea the end was near and my one idea was to save his strength and I thought of you four. He wanted each one mentioned by name. So many other times he had said, "I wish Bert were here," "Have you let Elsie know?" By evening we knew he could not probably live through the night, but Moth? er would have no attitude around him of waiting. She sent me to bed and went to bed herself by Father • then for a little while she lay on the study sofa. David, Casey, Dr. Roy and Harry were there all the time. About midnight I went out and Mother, David, Casey and I stayed by him till the end at 2 o'clock. After that Harry stayed by him until the men from Sydney came. Mother wrote you a long long letter and I am sure she told you all the details of those last hours. As far as Daddysan was concerned one could wish for no more beautiful ending. He was on the porch, with the fresh air about him and it was a beautiful moonlight night, and not cold. "How beautiful it is here-- the air is so fresh," he said in the after- noon--and he just breathed more deeply and more slowly until finally he didn't breathe again. He pressed Mother's hand al? most till the end--and very shortly before he died, when Mother was calling him, he opened his eyes and we all knew he had come back and knew her. I am sure Mother CONTINUED NEXT PAGE (55)
Cape Breton's Magazine