Page 5 - Dan Alex MacLeod: a Working Life
ISSUE : Issue 41
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1986/1/1
He got snarly, you know. I just fired the shovel as far as it could go and I went in. My time is still there--I never went look? ing for my time. That was at 3 o'clock, and at 9 o'clock I was over in the old place (at Stirling) with the furniture. So at 4 o'clock in the morning, Murdock Dan woke me up, and they wanted me at the mine next morning, and I went to work. So I worked on the truck, their own truck--I'd sold my truck before that--I worked on their truck till some time in February, till snow. Going to Sydney, or around the thing. When it snowed--I was in an awful R-2000 A home for all seasons No matter what the season, the R-2000 home is always energy efficient and comfortable. R-2000 is an energy performance standard that can be incorporated into any new home design. A HOME FOR THE 21ST CENTURY. NOW! You can enjoy a quieter home with uniform temperature throughout, virtually no drafts and much less dust. In addition, the R-2000 home is warmer in winter and cooler in summer. The R-2000 home is built to make use of recently developed technology in insulation, passive solar energy, ventilation and air distribution, lighting and heating systems. A HOME WITH DRAMATIC SAVINGS The R-2000 design can reduce space heating costs by up to I* 70 per cent, while energy required for lighting, appliances and hot water can be reduced by up to 50 per cent. And these savings can be seen in your average month's total housing expenses when you include energy payments with your principal, interest and taxes. IMPROVE YOUR HOME INVESTMENT The slightly higher initial invest? ment (five to ten per cent) will be more than offset by the savings made on energy And the extra quality controls and care taken in construction will give lasting value • a great advantage at resale time. A HOME FOR ALL REASONS If you are about to invest in a new home, make the wise move and look into an R-2000 home. Contact a local builder or the Government of Canada's Conservation snowstorm in February, but I got the truck home. Then I went out of it. I was 18 months underground, between drill? ing and all that. I was mucking first, then I was on a machine after that. And then I wrote the manager--you know, he didn't talk to you about any business, you wrote him a letter, and he wrote you a let? ter. I wrote him a letter and I told him I wanted a job on the surface. And I got a letter from him, when I came up from under? ground. He wanted me to go driving a trac? tor. Oh God. I called in the office on the way home. I said, "I never even saw a tractor, let alone drive it." "That's all right," he said. "There's a fellow coming from Halifax to teach you." Well, I was on the tractor I don't know how long, I taught 2 or 3 fel? lows to drive it. But anyway, he wanted me to go on the service truck then. They were building the mill then. And I'd be moving things here and there, and go? ing to Fourchu. They had (other) trucks working. And (drivers) used to go to the show (in Sydney) and they wouldn't be here till 10 o'clock at night. I was going by the office one day. And the manag? er for the construc? tion called me, he said, "Do you know your way around Syd? ney?" I said, "I should, I was there for quite awhile and I lived there for 3 years." "Well," he said, "tomorrow morning, I'11 have orders here for you. And if you can get back here that we can un? load before 5 o'clock I'll send for a new truck for you." Okay. I picked the orders. You may say I wasn't long in Syd? ney. I went to Syd? ney and dropped eve? ry order I had a- round. And I came back and loaded. I never waited for and Renewable Energy Office in your province. Because the R-2000 is the home of tomorrow that you can have built today The Energy Performance Standard. Canada (5)
Cape Breton's Magazine