Page 24 - The Early History of St. Ann's (Englishtown)
ISSUE : Issue 41
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1986/1/1
be caught by them. So he stayed here and did well. Then he was informed by the same Indians and some French fishermen that an English or Scotch gentleman, Sir James Stewart, or Lord Ochiltree, had fortified himself with about sixty men in the Bay of Baleines (present-day Baleine), on the south shore of the Island; that he had seized or ran? sacked some French ships; was charging a tax on fishing and trading with Indians. Daniel, who was a member of the French com- pany--one of the Hundred Associates-- deemed it his duty to interfere, and in case of resistance to attack and destroy the English fort. So he did on the 8th of September. (Champlain says on the 18th, but it is surely a mistake or misprint, as the date is plainly stated not only by J. Felix, the writer, in "Relation of Daniel,' but by Ochiltree himself, who states in his report that the fort was taken about the 10th of September, and so we may safe? ly say it was attacked on the 8th and cap? tured on the 9th or 10th.) There were very few casualties though the fort was de? stroyed, and men and supplies were carried to Grand Chibou; but none was molested in his person or personal goods. The English authorities in London had not much to say about that event. Only late in the winter the King mentioned that the capture had taken place--after the signing of the trea? ty of Sousa, April 24th; but as the cap? ture of Quebec had taken place in the same crucial circumstances, and was of quite an? other importance, no more was said of Bay of Baleines. Daniel built another fort here and put on it the arms of the French King and Cardin? al Richelieu. He built also a house, a store and a chapel. My learned friend. Dr. Ganong, sums up in these words the whole affair: On the commanding high land on the south side of the entrance is an old fort site, the only one known around the harbor. It was there, as the Jes? uit Relations clearly show, that Captain Daniel built his fort in 1629, as related by Champlain, and here, after 1713, was built the Fort Dauphin, contemporary of Louisbourg, as shown on Charlevoix' detailed plan, and of which traces still remain. Considering the commanding position of the site, its convenience to the fishery, including a fine, great drying beach opposite, the lack of any other known early French site about the harbor, the pres? ence of early clearings and defences, and the con? currence of cultivated land close by, it seems al? together likely that the Simon Denys establishment, which was founded about 1650, stood here.... Of Druker Insurance Charlotte St., Sydney . . . 562-5504 Mayflower Mall. ...... 564-1818 WIUINSURE VIRTUAUY ANY CAR. HOUSE OR BUSINESS COMPARE. RATES. YOU COULD SAVE. , tj4yiui SteUm Phone Toll Free 1-564-6000 BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE IN EMERGENCY: Awie Druker, F.I.I.C. 564-6615 The Credit Union Difference. 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