Page 26 - The Early History of St. Ann's (Englishtown)
ISSUE : Issue 41
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1986/1/1
there is of course nothing impossible therein, and we have an eye-witness. In a cruise, he says, our men were in such danger that all prepared for death; but one of the fathers, having cast into the raging sea a relic of the Holy Cross, there came a great calm. Another time an Indian boy, grievously wounded on the head with an axe, was blessed by another father and perfectly healed. But a spiritual healing more important was the conversion of an old medicine man, ninety years of age, who was like the high priest of those pagan Indians. So thorough? ly was he changed that he would destroy by fire all his superstitious articles. We may hail him as the first convert of St. Anne in Cape Breton, a worthy follower of Membertou, the first convert of the whole tribe in Port Royal twenty years before. Unfortunately, the name of this one is not given, but as Membertou was a title rather than a personal name (meaning general lead? er) , so we could, if my Micmac friends had no objection, quite properly give him that name, "Gtjpoooin"--"the Great Wizard." The first two missionaries stayed at St. Anne's only one year and then returned to France like their companions at Quebec. During their and the Captain's absence a very sad event occurred, which reminds us of the crime which stained the foundations of ancient Rome, when one of the founders was murdered by his brother. Gaulde had a very bad temper and could not get along with Martel, his assistant. It became evi? dent that the latter should be recalled to Robin, Jones & Whitman, Inc. SUPPLIERS OF: Hardware • Clothing • Giftware Paint 6e Wallpaper • Building Supplies Souvenirs Inverness 258-2241 • Cheticamp 224-2022 ROBIN'S _ Serving Canadians Proudly for over 200 Years France, and so it was decided, but not be? fore the Captain's return. Gaulde, however, had not the patience to wait, and one eve? ning after supper--on Pentecost Monday, 1631--he went into the fort whilst Martel was playing outside in the bowling alley, took his rifle, fired at him and killed him. Of course the Captain would have pun? ished him according to his desert, but he made his escape into the country at once. This and other hardships caused the poor colony to long for the return of Daniel and the Missionaries. The former was back on the 26th of June, but for a very short time. His brother Andrew was with him, and he left him in charge of the fort and a- gain crossed the ocean. After the Treaty of St. Germain-en-Laye (1632), which re? stored Canada to France, he returned for the third time, bringing with him two oth? er Jesuit Missionaries. One of them was his own brother. Father Antoine Daniel, who was to be later one of the holy Canadi? an martyrs murdered by the Iroquois July 4, 1648; 'the other was Father Devest. They re? mained here till May, 1633, when Champlain, returning to Quebec, called at St. Anne's and carried them with him to the Capital. Two others came in 1634, Father Richard and Father Perrault, and in 1636 Father George d'Endeman. These were the seven pi? oneer Missionaries of St. Anne's; indeed, the only ones that were resident here. Fa? ther Perrault wrote a very interesting and long relation of what he saw during his short stay (reprinted as "A Letter from St. Ann's Bay, 1634," in Issue 28 of Cape Bret? on's Magazine). He praises greatly the nat? ural qualities of the Indians. He says that they are faithful, honest and modest in their behavior. Seeing once a young man who gave a kiss to a young woman, and know? ing that they don't practice such familiar? ities before being married, he asked the young man if she was his wife. He answered DON'S FLOWERS p. 0. Box 179, Port Hawkesbury, N. S. BOE 2V0 Serving Port Hood, Judique, Inverness, and sur- rounding areas. Telephone 625-2215 or 625-2717. St. Peters Drug Store Ltd. Don Stone, Ph. C, Proprietor Open 6 Days a Week Mon. to Fri. open until 8 p.m. Sat. until 5 p.m. 535-2203 St. Peters, N.S. BretonToyota A Full Line of TOYOTA Products LEASING PARTS "Our people make the difference!" New Location: GRAND LAKE ROAD 539-8930 (27)
Cape Breton's Magazine