Page 30 - Robin Stuart, Salmon Farmer
ISSUE : Issue 41
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1986/1/1
getting their ropes fouled in propellers.' The fishermen have been very helpful to me in my project, in assisting me, and sug? gesting site locations at the start. (Has there been no sense of your being an intruder into their territory?) Not at all, not at all. I couldn't get over it. I held an open meeting intentionally, and I called all the fishermen to the hall in Englishtown, specifically--this was back in the winter months--that I was inter? ested in forming this business, and that there were going to be floating cages, and would they be an obstacle for lobster pots. There wasn't one that had any complaints at all. They suggested where I put them. As they said, "Hell, you're in it to make a living just as we are. You've got just as much right to part of the water as we do." This was their attitude, and that's great. Because there have been places else? where where there has been a conflict situ? ation, where fishermen have reacted in a much more vengeful manner towards fish? farming enterprises. Probably just lack of communication at the start. I'm 34. Bom in Ashbourne, a small agricul? tural village in the Midlands, in Derby? shire County (England). My father was in the military, between Canada and the U. S. He was in the Royal Navy, and he switched to the Canadian Navy. Before I was even 5 years old, I'd come across the Atlantic 5 times by ship. It was just circumstance that I was bom in England, really. I could have been bom in British Columbia, bom in Halifax. My father's father was a Canadian citizen. I went to boarding school in England a couple of places, and then I came to Cana? da, and most of my education took place in the Maritimes, really, a number of differ? ent places. Then I went to high school in Ottawa for 3 years. And I went to univer? sity in Halifax, Dalhousie. I had strong biological interests. Coming from a marine background--our families on my father's side were all sea captains, go? ing away back. I think I had biological in? clinations probably from my mother's side. So I think I combine the two of them. And through my days as a student, I worked in the Oceanographic Institute at Bedford for a couple of years. That really spurred my interest. I took marine biology. I graduated and took a year to travel. Ac? tually, my intent was to cycle to Austral? ia from London, England--that's what I wanted to do--and I didn't get all the way. I bought a bicycle in London and I cycled up through Holland and Belgium and France and along the coast, Italy. And my bike was stolen in northern Italy. So I decided I had to sort of change my plans--had no bicycle! Hitchhiked into the Alps and Switzerland, Germany, and whatnot. Found it a bit expensive in there--my resources were running low--so I decided I'd try and head for Israel. My brother had already worked in a kibbutz about 2 or 3 years be? fore me, and I thought I'd head for that. I thought maybe I could earn a little mon? ey, maybe enough to carry me through to Australia. So I got to Israel, just hitched over, through Greece and whatnot. Stayed there for 6 months. And there was a fish farm on NOVA SCOTIA HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION CELEBRATES THIS SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY Discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, religion, creed, ethnic or national origin, sex, marital status, disability or age is an affront to human dignity and shall not be tolerated in Nova Scotia. The Commission, through its numerous pro? grams can advise and assist native groups. The Ethnic Services Division provides infor? mation and assistance on multiculturalism, multicultural education, ethnic studies, native studies, ethnic group research, and education and culture in general. The Compliance Division investigates and conciliates complaints of alleged discrimina? tion under the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act. The Public Education Division researches and conducts public education programs in human rights. The Affirmative Action Division initiates pro? grams in government and organizations designed to correct the existing imbalance in employment and housing. For further information write, call or visit us at: HEAD OFFICE Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission RO. Box 2221 3rd Floor, Lord Nelson Arcade Halifax, N.S. B3J 304 424-4111 Ethnic Services Division 424-4295/8000 Public Education Division 424-4111/7690 Compliance Division 424-4111/4 Affirmative Action Division 424-7690/91 REGIONAL OFFICES Main Street P.O. Box 1029 Digby, N.S. BOV 1A0 245-4791 Provincial Building Prince Street Sydney, N.S. BIP 5L1 539-5204 Eaton Building 185 Provost Street RO. Box 728 New Glasgow, N.S. B2H 2P8 752-3086 f' Human Rights Commission (3i;i
Cape Breton's Magazine