Page 40 - Robin Stuart, Salmon Farmer
ISSUE : Issue 41
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1986/1/1
else, I could do that elsewhere. But I'd just as soon stay here and run the show my? self and make the decisions on how things are going to work. But the business community in Sydney was tremendous, absolutely tremendous. They just rallied behind me. Charlotte Street just overwhelmed me. It was just like a tidal wave. Every little shop along there seemed to come out and support me. Little businesses like the little optical shop. Not all big ones. The clothing shops. The (private) radio station. And talking to the CBC-Radio (CBI) staff--Glen Bilawey told me they were following the whole prog? ress from the very start, gradually, from nothing right to the point of really ful? filling my objective of getting all the shareholders. And he said when the day ar? rived that I finally sold my final share, to get that hundred thousand dollars--and I found out that I could actually match that hundred thousand dollars with inter? est-free money through the Nova Scotia Ven? ture Corporation--he said in the Halifax bureau of the CBC, everybody toasted. This is, I guess, the "Information Morning" crew in Halifax--they'd all been posted by Joella and Glen on the status--and there was a big "Hooray!" in the studio over this whole thing. They felt that they were instrumental as well in helping an indus? try get off the ground, to start an indus? try. And they were. So the whole thing was exciting, you know. Obviously it was not just myself, but a lot of other people were very excited about it and the way it happened. vO/fip rn.nnf'hlf' LLOYD MacDONALD SALES 'J/mJUAVy V/l' VJf'yJLCMMXMbt' The Multl 2- or 4-Wheel Drive insurance Services '' For All Your Personal Coverage, Gall: NEY 539-6315 (toll free) NORTH SYDNEY 794-4788 T BAY 849-4547 MABOU 945-2514 lATERFORD 862-3350 LOUISDALE 345-2199 HAWKESBURY 625-0640 CHETICAMP 224-3204 COMPREHENSIVE FARM PACKAGE IS AVAILABLE l'lflh>7;'fl Our 26th Year KINGS ROAD - SYDNEY Toll Free 1-800-565-9427 "Service Is a 'mr'' Feature, Not a Promise' Pares Canada Parks Canada .LEXANDER GRAHAM BELL NATIONAL HISTORIC PARK mm No Admission Charge 'M Winter Schedule: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Esl 3 MAJOR EXHIBIT AREAS: Bell the Man Bell the Experimenter Hydrofoil Hall GUIDE SERVICE AVAILABLE Baddeck N.S. 75 km. west of Sydney on Route 105 Canada (41)
Cape Breton's Magazine