Page 48 - Diary: Mary Smith of Smithville, 1890-92
ISSUE : Issue 41
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1986/1/1
to put them out for fear she will get more cold I made a little peticoat for Maggie yesterday and finished the socks I was knitting for Lewis Flora was bussey fixing the girls Ulsters Sarah doing housework and knitting Thursday 12 a fine clear cold day Lewis and Don? ald McPherson juns (sic) and Park getting pools (poles) Sarah put the last weeks cloths out and got them in again and she and Flora washed for this week, just as the men came in to dinner John McKeen and Mr. Archibald put in an apperence Flo made a fire in the room and the Gents Lewis and I got in there and remained there till the women got dinner ready after dinner the boys and George came to see about getting a cheese factory up David did not come but they could not decide about where it is to be John McKeen wants it on his side the Bridge and I suppose he will have his own way. the boys were to Port Hood yesterday and were almost perished it was so cold the three children at School today and the teacher came home with them and Lewis took she and Bella to the prayer meeting in the evening Bella was sick with head ache all the forenoon Sunday 15 a yerry cold morning last night the coldest we have had all winter the water was fro? zen in the pot on the cooking stove this morning no one from hear around went to church April Monday 6 a cold wind but fine April day Old Park went off for good this morning Lewis is going to Brook Village for seed oats three chil? dren at school, no water for washing to day David came over in the evening and was hear when Lewis got home about ten o clock the roads verry bad and the night verry dark he had a dreadful! hard trip of it It looks like rain. Teacher went to the boys place this evening Tuesday 7 It came on to snow after we got to bed last night and this morning was a verry heavy storm Lewis took the children to school on the sled and Thomas took the teacher and little Willie, heard that poor old Archie died last night, it has been Snowing all day and the worst storm we have had all winter only not so cold Lewis had to go for the children and was afraid that he would hard? ly be able to get back the road was so drifted up but he made it out he brought the teacher and lit? tle Willie hear, there was no other children at school it was so stormy Wednesday 8 still snowing and storming the roads so bad that they could not get to school but in the middle of the day Lewis went over to Archies to see if they was going to burie the old man there was only about a dozen men there but they started off with him Lewis had to come home as he had not got the cattle watered before he went, and the boys were all day hunting their sheep and get? ting them home. Lewis took a horse but could not ride he had to tramp a road for the horse thro the banks he says there is twenty nine inches new snow qn the level and it is drifted over the fences in all directions BUSINESS PEOPLE You Can Talk To If you are considering starting a new business or expanding your present operation, find out how we can help. We have 11 regional offices staffed with knowledgeable business people who can access both the public and private sector programs and services available to you. If you are facing a challenge in financing, marketing or in any other aspect of business management, call us and explore how your business can reach its full potential. Bill Butler District Manager Nova Scotia Department of Development Business Expertise In Your Neighborhood LHC Building 295 Charlotte Street Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P1C6 564-8241 1 good reasons to buy league debentures Profitable Debentures offer a high rate of interest. Safe investment League Savings Debentures are protected by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation for amounts up to sixty thousand dollars. Guaranteed Return The principal and interest are guaranteed upfront. Flexible Debentures can be short or long term with interest paid monthly, semi-annually or annually Interest payments deposited with a Credit Union qualify for a special bonus. Authorized Trustee Investment League Savings debentures are recognized provincially and meet the requirements of a trustee investment. League Savings 8 Mortgage P.O. Box 668, Sydney, Nova Scotia BIP 6H7 .-. 539-8222 (49)
Cape Breton's Magazine