Page 51 - Diary: Mary Smith of Smithville, 1890-92
ISSUE : Issue 41
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1986/1/1
Bayne was in Port Hood, the three Boys and their families all came in to have a share of the music, we were all delighted with it Friday Nov '' 20 a verry fine day Lewis ploughing G P banking the house Mrs Brown hear washing wool? en clothes and Blankets Flora and Sarah and Bella helping her. I spinning Ethel at school the cotton clothes that was put out yesterday are lovely and dry we left them out last night they have got them all in nice and dry and the bushes and fences full of blankets and quilts and wollen clothes of every discription and cotton dresses and all sorts March 1892 Sunday March 28**' nice fine day after breckfast George came up to get help to lift a sick cow and he went to get Thomas and James so they all went and got the cow up and after George and Ellen and family went to dine with the boys fa? ther was not very well and the Roads was bad so there was none of us out to Church and in the eve? ning they all came to our house to tea and George Nichols Theodore and Isaac James came with them to spend the evening we had tea and they sang a num? ber of tunes had prayers and then dispersed this was the last time that dear James expects to spend an evening in his own native home for we know not how long Monday March 29 fine morning got up pretty early got breckfast and Thomas came for Sarah and I to go to finish getting things ready for poor James to go I went on the sled but she was not quite ready but came yery soon after me had to have the trunk ready by three o clock Thgmas had to go to the Bridge to get the ticket for James as he had to stay with us to see to the packing of his trunk we had it ready by the time appointed but it was near six when father came for it Lewis was to take it up. the log road and away up to Edwar Irishs and the boys was to meet up there after singing and so they did Thomas got home just at tea time got his tea and while poor James was getting his clothes on we bid him a hurried farewell and Thom? as took Sarah and I home and took Flora out to singing and Lewis did not get home till daylight poor little Bertie was verry sick and we had to bathe him and put drafts to his feet and chest he was better before his mother got home we spent a verry lonely evening. Lewis saw the poor fellows start after haveing a good breckfast he said they went off quite merrily with Edward Irish poor old Mrs Irish is suffering under a paraletic stroke her left side is quite useless and she cannot speake so as to be understood st April Thursday Aprile 1 Father and I got ready and started on a perigrination to visit the sick we went up on the log road to the mountain road and then out along to Mr Edward Mahars where we had dinner then we went down to the mill called at Mrs Erasers she was a little better that day. then we went up to Peter Benvies found Aunt Bena much better then we expected she was sitting up and looking quite bright and smart on]y verry pale and weake we left after breckfast and called to see poor old Mrs Irish she was verry sick and helpless no use of her left side we had an early dinner and left on our homeward trip we called to see how Mrs Fraser was and heard that she was better we had to call at Mr Mahars and they would not let us away till they got us another dinner and then he went with us all the way down to our own field the snow was nearly all gone and we had nearly all bare roads or mud and water we got home just before tea time Edward Irish told us that he saw the boys on board the ferry Boat all in good cheer rd Saturday April 3 a beautifull sunny day the wind north the two last days the wind was from the south and the snow melted like butter in the sun and we were almost flooded away with slush and wa? ter Thomas is not well has a bad cold Lewis down with George helping him to skin his dead cow Fa? ther over to see Thomas I will finish this days work tonight Well Lewis and Flora went to singing but had to go on horseback as there was no roads for sleigh or Waggon Thomas too sick to go pretty late when they got home and they were tired and cold Tuesday 6 the last night of the school Lewis Flora and Thomas out on horse back now I cant give day and date for all April the Robins and Sparrows and other little birds came on the first and sec? ond of April and the first three weeks was nice and fine on the 17th Thomas got a letter from James in Colorada On Monday the 19th April Thomas and the other folks went to the Strait with the cattle and the poor old horse every place full of ice while he was away the mare Kicked one of the cows and broke her shoulder we made the mat that Sarah put in the frame last spring and got the large one in on the 19th the day that the cattle left home and the school house was raised on the Tuesday the 20th Bute calved we had two or three silver thaws in April Thomas got home on Wednesday night the 21st 22nd Lil calved Mr Roberts got his rib broken on the first of April and did not preach for three Sabbaths and on Thursday the 29th VCR Rentals VHS Tapes Movie Rentals B&B; Video Same Day Photo Finishing YOUR Panasonic DEALER Island Gateway Plaza, Port Hawkesbury 625-3150 (902) 539-0019 (902) 727-2403 The Cabinet Shop Kitchen Cabinets & Vanities Sales, Designs 6e Installation Mike Byrne Rear 199 Townsend Street Sydney, N. 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