Page 31 - Robt. Elmsley's "Early History of Baddeck"
ISSUE : Issue 42
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1986/6/1
(6) The Dr. Joseph Elmsley mentioned, who is a brother of Mr. Robert Elmsley • he removed to New Zealand, as stated. He was married to an aunt of Mr. Colin J. Ingraham of Inlet Road. The George Hume referred to was a native of New Brunswick who settled on the western side of Hume's Cove. He too vended liquid refreshments, provided sustenance for man and beast. I think that some of his descendants are still living in the county. The Mr. Ross • "the shoemaker"--re- ferred to was Mr. Murdock Ross, father of Mrs. Bes? sie Campbell, one of our respected residents. ("Where Muriel Pinaud lives • the house that was there before. Walter Pinaud tore it down and built this house when he ran the boatyard there.") When the late Hon. Charles J. Campbell established his business in Baddeck, and indeed for the short time that he was in the employ of Mr. James Ander? son, he only came in contact with very few Gaelic- speaking people, and these were the people of Wash? abuckt. The George MacKay who gave his name to Mac? Kay's Point, and the MacLeans, MacKinnons, and Mac? Neils, settled there. With the exception of Hector MacLean, who lived to the east of old Knox Church, all the residents of Baddeck and Baddeck River at that time, 1840, were English-speaking people of English extraction. Consequently, Mr. Campbell, who was an ardent and enthusiastic Scotsman • and a Highlander above all- held a warm regard for the Scottish people with whom he came in contact, and thus commenced a friendship that lasted as long as life. Mr. Camp? bell always referred to the people of Washabuckt by the general term of "Na Barraich" (the Barra- men). The site of Hart's wharf was about where the Nova Scotia government creamery is today. The chap? el referred to is the old St. Michael's Catholic Church, which was erected in 1858. ("It burned in the fire of 1926.") The residence built by Hon. C. J. Campbell soon after 1840 is the present Hotel Baddeck. ("Now Alderwood.") The tanshop referred to stood near the pond ("at the Bell Museum") be? low the residence of Mr. D. P. McLeod--it was owned by a man named Rice--he had a son who lost his life on one of the early Arctic expeditions. (2) (4) (18) (9) Our thanks to James MacDonald, Tarbot, who first told us about Elmsley's "History of Baddeck," and to the Beaton Institute, U.C.C.B., where we found the scrap including Alex MacLean's response to Elmsley's "His? tory." See also Capt. John P. Parker's Cape Breton Ships and Men for much the same story written (possibr ly) early in his life by Robert Elmsley. HYunoni First, we were the Number One selling Import in Canada. Now, we are the Number One selling Car. Period. ['EODES / SS' 34 State St., Sydney 539-7999/539-2999 MacLean Industrial SupDly ''1 "Serving Atlantic Canada" T|.|{ INDUSTRIAL - MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES "** 207 Kings Rd., Sydney, N. S. (902) 564-5540 Robert Ojoiick MRAIC/MCIP OJOUCK Ojoiick Associates * Architects/Planners Twenty Townsend St PC Box 1058 Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 6J7 Tel 902 539 8075 I "To take I advantage of (unprecedented financial assistance . • To establish a Canadian East ' Coast operation '' To benefit from a quality of I life conducive to the I stability and i productivity of ' the workforce ?? Remarkable financial assistance includes a grant of 30% of building and equipment costs plus a grant of up to 30% on the balance of approved capital costs plus a tax credit of 60% on capital costs to companies locating in the Cape Breton tax zone. • The Strait of Canso Port provides a strategic market location on a deep, ice-free harbour, with existing industrial parks and support services. A Our people are reliable, productive workers with a sense of pride in the quality of their work and the personal fulfilment of participation in the many activities of small communities. On-the-job training programs assist in adapting workers to the skills of a particular industry or business. We offer an unique opportunity - grants, other financial incentives, a favourable tax status, industrial infrastructure, a prime location and the active support of municipal, provin? cial and federal governments. For details, contact the Executive Director, Strait of Canso Industrial Development Authority, Box 610, Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia, Canada, BOE 2V0. 902-625-1631 Telex: 019 37532 It has been said that our region "has the most attractive investment climate in Canada." Mm& ??G (''m:&) lKofS 2nd Annual CENTRE BRAS DOR ..W't OF THE' ' 18 July to 10 August 'i LOCAL THE BEST OF REGIONAL NATIONAL INTERNATIONAL TALENT Rita MacNeil John Allan Cameron Moe Koffman John Sebastian Matt Minglewood "La Grand " Visite d'Acadie Fabulous Cliches The Cambridge Buskers ...And Many More BADDECK RURAL HIGH SCHOOL Contact Number: 295-ARTS (31)
Cape Breton's Magazine