Page 44 - Presbyterianism in Old Cape Breton
ISSUE : Issue 42
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1986/6/1
when the younger folk appeared in their best bib and tucker to make their presence felt on Sunday. For instance, the young maiden who had been absent for a year or so at service in Boston, and had lately arrived on a visit to the old home, never put in an appearance before Saturday. Contrary to usual and necessary custom now-a-days on special occasions, no application for reservations was made: every fresh arrival presented himself and herself at any home, either at the solicitation of a companion or joining the crowd moving in the dir? ection of a certain household known far and wide for its hospitality. If accommodation for the night could not be secured, at least a meal was provided, and kindly directions given respecting further convenience at a farther distance. These central depots, when taxed beyond further endur? ance, had at disposal subsidiary centres that. South Shore May 17-19 ]ure 27-29 luly 12-13 August 2-10 Aquafest, South Shore Region Queens County Privateer Days, Liverpool Lunenburg Craft Festival, Lunenburg Chester Municipal Old Home Week, Municipality of Chester Y'umouth County )une 28 Atlantic Region Town Criers' Championship, luly 18-20 July 21-27 August 4-9 Dartmouth July 11-12 luly 26-31 August 1-4 September 20-21 Evangeline lyail May 29-|une 2 Yarmouth Festival Acadian a Ste. Anne du Ruisseau, Ste. Anne du Ruisseau Seafest, Yarmouth Western Nova Scotia Exhibition, Yarmouth Maritime Old Time Fiddling Contest, Dartmouth Dartmouth's 25th Anniversary Celebrations, Dartmouth Dartmouth Natal Day Weekend, Dartmouth Shearwater international Air Show, Dartmouth August 8-17 August 17 Cape Breton July 18-Aug. 2 July 27 August 4-9 August 13-17 The Nova Scotia Festival, Halifax May 22-24 June 27-July 1 luly 5 54th Annapolis Valley Apple Blossom Festival, Kentville, New Minas, Wolfville Acadian Festival of Clare, Municipality of Clare Digby Scallop Days, Digby Annapolis Royal Arts Festival, Annapolis Royal Antigonish & Eastern Shore July 10-12 Antigonish Highland Games, Antigonish )uly 17-21 Eastern Shore Summer Fair, Musquodoboit Harbour July 8-13 August 7-10 September 26-28 For more information call: 1-800-565-7105 The Honourable lack Maclsaac Minister of Tourism ' /f' ACADIAN FESTIVALS AIR SHOWS ANIMAL SHOWS ARTS AND CRAFTS, ANTIQUE SHOWS ART, MUSIC, THEAFRE AND DANCE BARBECUES, PICNICS, GARDEN PARTIES, LOBSTER AND & SALMON SUPPERS BAZAARS, CARNIVALS, EXMBmONS AND FAIRS BOAITNG AND SAILING EVENTS COMMUNFTY CELEBRAnONS FLOWER SHOWS SCOTHSH CELEBRATIONS SPORTING ACTIVITIES STRAWBERRY, BLUEBERRY FESTIVALS & FAIRS FESTIVALS, CEIUDHS HARNESS RAQNG like the former, exerted themselves to the point of exhaustion; and there they in turn directed the stream still farther onwards. It was always a point of honor that the limit of capacity was reached before any applicant was turned away; and this fact was well understood and appreciated by the other. To return to the principal theme: The meetings were held in the open air, as there was no church building large enough to hold the crowd; also the practice of the open air service was in consonance with that of the old Covenanters, who believed that under the canopy of Heaven they got into clos? er touch with the Father of their spirits. At the outskirts of the consecrated space a picket of el? ders was stationed to superintend the collection. Often the little wooden boxes, set on the end of I stakes driven into the ground, would present a full harvest of coppers. Everybody was supposed to contribute on his or her way to a position on the hillside: poor in? deed must have been the servant girl if she did not throw her mite into the treasury. And if she forgot it, she would be followed by such a threatening glower from the elders as would scare her from repeating the offence. From Thursday until Mon? day afternoon the reli? gious exercises contin? ued without intermis- sion--the evenings, far into night, being given up to prayer, praise, and exhortation. Thurs? day was called the "Day of Fasting," in Gaelic "La Traisg," and as such was literally observed by the faithful, who ab? stained entirely from food until the afternoon, and then indulged in slight refreshment only. Friday was known as the "Question Day," "La Ceiste." After the pre? liminary singing and the i'nvocation of the Divine Blessing, the minister called for the "Ques? tion." Immediately some old Christian enquirer stood up, read or quoted a Bible verse, and asked for its interpretation: the discussion following virtually involved a dif? ferential diagnosis be? tween saints and sinners, and was so intended. The minister invariably led off in this discussion: and then, from a list of names, called upon those who were to address the assemblage. Let it be un? derstood that no informa- Seaside Festival '86, Sheet Harbour Clam Harbour Beach Sand Sculpturing Contest, Clam Harbour Centre Bras d'Or Festival of the Arts, Baddeck 30th Annual Broad Cove Scottish Concert, Broad Cove, Inverness Co. Nova Scotia Gaelic Mod, Cape Breton Festival Acadien de Petit de Grat, Petit de Grat Children's Festival of Nova Scotia, Halifax Nova Scotia Tattoo, Halifax Metropolitan Scottish Festival and Highland Games, Halifax 9th international Town Criers' Championship, Halifax September 13 Central Nova |une 28-|uly luly 25-Aug. 2 July 25-27 August 8-10 Pictou County lune 26-|uly 1 Westville Dominion Days, Westville July 1-6 Trenton's 75th Anniversary Celebrations, Trenton [uly 10-13 Pictou Lobster Fisheries Carnival, Pictou July 27-Aug. 3 Festival of the Tartans, New Glasgow Pugwash Gathering of the Clans & Fishermen's Regatta, Pugwash Springhill Old Home Week & King Miner Days, Springhill Glooscap Festival, Five Islands Rockhound Round-Up, Parrsboro
Cape Breton's Magazine