Page 36 - With Pianist Doug MacPhee
ISSUE : Issue 43
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1986/8/1
ly cutting--well then, you kind of chop the note on the piano. A lot of little things that you leam, with your ear, if you're listening. You had to know the good players, who had the good arrangements of these tunes. That comes from experience, from being exposed to so many good players. And it's the same thing again with book arrangements. I have a pretty good music collection. The older tunes like "Miss Lyall's Strathspey" or "King George the IV"--many tunes like this--there's various arrangements of them in collections from Scotland, But it's to know the best. We'll take "Money Musk Strathspey," just for an example. Okay, that's maybe in the Athole Collection, the Skye Collection--considered topnotch, high- class books. I learned that from Cole's Collection (1000 Fiddle Tunes), I took that arrangement because it was the clos? est to the way traditional players here in Cape Breton, the better ones, played it. And it was practically note for note, I could pick up, say, "The Ewie with the Crooked Hom"--that is another famous strathspey in G Minor. In the Athole Col? lection it has a nice arrangement. But it's not anything close to the traditional way that Dan J. Campbell and Angus Allan and Mary MacDonald and Duncan MacQuarrie played it. So I'd go to maybe Kerr's Col? lection, and I leam it from there. And it's just note for note the way that Dun? can MacQuarrie played it. Diincan was an ear player. So when you're picking tunes from books--like myself, this is only my own idea--I like to play them as near as the old-timers played them, because you're following tradition. I'm a great tradi? tionalist! Now the young players coming up today, they're not exposed to the old players FIlMi!! The number of forest fires in Cape Breton is increasing. Last year between April and October, 72 were reported. Fortunately, fast action by Lands and Forests crews and volunteer firefighters put them out before they did much damage. Because even a small brush fire can get out of control and ignite nearby trees in seconds, early detection is essential. If you s VICTORIA COUNTY Lands & Forests Provincial Building *Baddeck Lands & Fomsts Baddeck Depot *Shore Road Sub-Rangers George Cheverie Baddeck R. MacDonald Washabuckt Douglas W. Jackson Ingonish Jack MacDonald Tarbot Allister N. Maclnnis North Shore John A. Curtis Bay St. Lawrence *for Industrial Permits WHERE TO REACH US e a fire in or near the woods, contact your local If there is no answer, INVERNESS COUNTY Lands & Forests 756-2339 Lands and Forests office or Sub-Ranger immediately, call Zenith 40000. 295'2177 622-2441 285-2502 929-2781 929-2347 383-2293 Whycocomagh Office Margaree Sub-Rangers Martin Burns Margaree Harbour Clovis Chaisson Grand Etang Andrew Timmons Pleasant Bay Kenny Maclnnis Orangedale Martin Cameron Margaree Forks Harold MacDonald Mabou Harbour 248-2029 235-2235 224-2695 224-2075 756-2370 248-2455 945-2683 RICHMOND COUNTY Lands & Forests Provincial Building *St. Peters 53 Sub-Rangers Glen Diggdon West Arichat 22 Thomas Matthews Grand Anse 34 Roger MacLeod Grand River 58 Dan Norman MacLeod Stirling 88 Donald MacLeod Loch Lomond 58 Charles Cavanagh Martinique 22 * for Permits Prior to 5 p.m. CAPE BRETON COUNTY Lands & Forests Depot 564-63 & Forest Station or "Coxheath 564-82 Sub-Ranger Main-a-Dieu & area: Roy Perry Little Lorraine 733-26 *for Industrial Permits or Permits Prior to 5 p.m. If no answer at Lands & Forests or Sub-Rangers, all areas call: ZENITH 40000 Do Your Part... Provent Forest Fires Nova Scotia liC Department of Lands and Forests And Dont Forget . . . that Burning Permits are required under the Lands & Forests Act. No person shall make, kindle or start a fire on land within a wood, forest or forest area, or within one thousand feet of same without such a permit between April 1st and October 15th in the counties of Queens, Shelburne, Yarmouth, Digby, and Annapolis, and in all other counties between April 15th and October 15th. Failure to comply may result in a fine of up to $200. Burning Permits are available from all locations listed above. See * for Industrial Permits and for Permits Prior to 5 p.m.
Cape Breton's Magazine