Page 40 - With Pianist Doug MacPhee
ISSUE : Issue 43
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1986/8/1
Miss Stewart This strathspey was composed by William Marshall in Scotland in the late 18th century. I've heard it played by dozens of Cape Breton fiddlers, all with their own little variations. Doug MacPhee recorded this tune, as well as the following reel, on his third LP, where he stated Duncan MacQuarrie's influence. As a matter of fact, he called "Miss Scott of Usan" "Duncan MacQuarrie's Reel." William Marshall Cape Breton Setting IVIiss Scott of Usan Sandy MacLean played the reel, "Miss Scott of Usan," in the Key of F, as found in the Athole Collection. However, Dan J. Campbell and Duncan MacQuarrie played it in the Key of G, which seems to be the setting which caught on with Cape Breton fiddlers. They used to play together before Duncan left Inverness County and came to New Waterford to live. Reel Cape Breton Setting Doug's Jig "Doug's Jig" was composed by Margaret MacPhee, Doug's mother. She has written about half a dozen good jigs which have caught on among fiddlers. Five of them were recorded on Doug's LPs. And one was recorded on a Dan Joe Maclnnis record. This tune and "Jacqueline's Jig" are on Doug's fourth LP, "The Reel of Tulloch." Margaret MacPhee t.40) COME HOME TO KENT From th? instant you step into a Kent Home, you led homes. With distinctive appealing exteriors and superb well-planned interiors. But at Kent, we want you to shop around. Look at what everyone else has to offer. Lx>ok at their designs, their floor plans, their prices 'd especially... their quality. Look at eveiything you get Inskle Then.- Visit Kent Youll want a home- bulkier that has made a commitment to quality... the kind of commitment that Kent Homes has made for over 25 years. Look at our homes closely. Compare design and engineering. Compare standard features. Compare constructkm details. And then compare value. Kent quality homes are built for Jife. Start living. COME HOME TO VALUE. COME HOME TO KENT. VIstt our model homes today. Spedai showbifls avafable by appoM- ment or V your prefer wel vbit you at your I Kent Homes Helping to build Atlantic Canada for over 25 years OPtW HWRS: :e B?y Hfghwjy. 539-4219 Com. 9, Management expertise. You have tt with... CASE The challenge of running a small business: you have to be an expert at everything... from payroll to profits, inventory to exports, cash flovi/ to promotion. Fact is, you can't be an in? stant expert in everything, and that's where CASE can help. CASE is a service offered only by FBDB. It stands for, Counselling Assistance to Small Enterprises and it can be the secret of your success. CASE provides hands-on counselling by successful, retired people who are knowl? edgeable in your type of business. A CASE counsellor can help you improve your business operation, quickly. To find out how CASE can help your business, get in touch with your local Federal Business Development Bank Branch office at: 564-7710. BACKING INDEPENDENT BUSINESS Federal Busii>es$ Banque federale Development Bank de developpement La Baroque offre ses services dans les deux langues officielles. CanadS
Cape Breton's Magazine