Page 77 - Joseph D. Samson of Petit-de-Grat
ISSUE : Issue 43
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1986/8/1
All the other boats had turned back, were coming in. All right, we went towards there and started setting trawl. We set the trawl. And when we got the last tub, ready to draw the last handful, one of those guys that got drowned was just pass? ing us, coming in. But it was too rough for him to stand. He had only a Swampscot dory. It was a gasoline boat, you know; it was a flat-bottom boat. Anyhow, he was coming in, and the sea was too hard for him to control it. I don't think he went more than 5 or 6 hundred yards from where we were before he swamped. The sea was hard enough that he passed the bow under, and he never came back • He sank there. And another fellow that was there with a big boat--he had a 40-, 45-foot boat, I guess--he went to try and help them. But when he came there, he couldn't see anything--everything was under. All he could see, it was a man tied in the bow of the boat, or something--so he tried to go and help him. He could see the head of a man--he was tied there--he was supposed to be tied there. He had tied himself--they claimed it was, anyway, .'d when he went to get him, that boat came (up) and he passed right through the other fellow's boat--you know, the one that went to give him the Moraf f's Yarns n' Crafts Wools. Synthetics & Blends by • Mary Maxim • Patont • Bernal • Emu • Lopi • Jaeger • White Buffalo • Nomolta 100% Wool from New Brunswick Prince Edward Island - Cape Breton Threads for Embroidery, Crocheting- Weaving, Tatting & Ouilting ASK TO SEE Angora Camel Hair Alpaca Mohair Linen Blends Cashmere D.M.C. Counted X-Stitch Tapestries Crewel Large Inventory of Craft Supplies and Patterns Open daily 9:30 a.m. • 5:30 p.m. Friday* until 9:00 p.m. Mall Orders Filled "A World of Yam at Your Fingertips" Now with 2 Locations to Serve You: CB. Shopping Plaza, Sydney River (539-5949) 752 Victoria Rd., Sydney (564-8339) *'QmtlUbf. ('a4U '4M4e'' No alterations to your home are necessary with our energy efficient, maintenance free, customized replacement windows. help. (The bow came up.) It came up, and he passed right through. He split it right through. So they were caught right there themselves, outside there. And all that they had to save their life was a dory. And there was one of them that was used to the dory, so he said to the other guy, "All that you can do now, take a barrel aboard, and we're going to try to make ashore some? wheres. I don't know where we're going to take it, but we're going to try it." (Take a barrel aboard the dory?) They took it aboard, and he started for shore then, rowing ashore. They were quite a distance from the shore, but the wind was so heavy that it was going fast, just the same. It was too rough for the dory, but they put the barrel in tow of the dory, so the sea could break on the barrel before it could get to the dory. So they had a chance. So he landed in Gros Nez, I think. In a mound of rocks and everything, but they saved their lives, anyway. But the two other guys got drowned. (So where were you when all this happened?) We were outside. That's where I'm coming up now. We were outside, still fishing. And it was too rough for us, that was for sure. We only had a small boat. So anyhow, we hauled pretty near all the trawl. We were in the last tub. We were almost in the end of her. Came a breaker. And the one that was hauling trawl in the bow just got it--it broke right aboard--he got it. He came right across where I was, and I grabbed him across the waist, and I threw him down in the bottom of the boat. And the boat was halfways full of water. The motor stopped. .There he was under water, and everything was under. So, I had no choice. The only thing I could do was to go in the bow and take a bowline, make two f Sydney 1-562-5022 * Sport Fishing Supplies & Fishing Licenses 3Uv ' '' - ILU GROCERIES OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9-9 TO SERVE YOU BETTER- ST. PETERS -ALSO video rental- 535-3363 Overlooking the Margaree Valley at the Junction of Route 19 and the Cabot Trail A full-accommodation Lodge featuring spacious rooms, dining room and lounge, swimming pool • Nearby are golf fairways, beaches, fresh and salt .water fishing; camping, hiking. The best of Nova Scotian musicians en? tertain in our lounge every weekend. Check with us to see who's playing, and drop in for an enjoyable evening. P. 0. Box 550, MARGAREE FORKS, Nova Scotia BOE 2A0 Phone (902) 248-2193, William F. Maclsaac, mgr. RELAX IN THE BEAUTIFUL MARGAREE VALLEf (77)
Cape Breton's Magazine