Page 11 - On the Road to the Canada Winter Games
ISSUE : Issue 44
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1987/1/1
the second round, you're so tense you're losing your energy. If you lose energy--that's strength and endurance and every? thing you need. Strength endurance, speed-- they're all important. So we have to leam to be more loose. To loosen, to read your wrestler, and then just to do your # move on reflex. If you were really stronger than the person, he could give you a good move but not get away with it, But if you were equal in strength and e- qual in 'speed, and (as) clever--then I'd say the people who could endure the most, they'll win. Usually if you're smart, you're going to conquer everyone. But you have to have the strength and the endurance as well. WRESTLERS: Leo Gene Donovan (Ingonish), Colin MacVicar (Inqon- ish), Bruce MacKrous (Ingonish), John Buchanan (DingwallJT and Tommy Chubbs (Dingwall). Volleyball Lynette Kokocki, Sydney: (How long have you been playing volleyball?) I started in Grade 7, so I've been playing for 6 years now. Oh, I really enjoy volleyball. It's my main sport now. (What do you like about volleyball?) You - get to meet a lot of people. You introduce yourself to other people, and you get to know a lot more people, and what they're like. In volleyball you get to know your team members--what they think is good a- bout you, like your good points and your bad points. And on this team here, we all express our points. If anyone needs help, they help you out. (The first time I asked you what you like about volleyball, you said, "Hitting the ball.") That's spiking, (The second thing you said was, "Meeting people"!) Yeah, (11)
Cape Breton's Magazine