Page 50 - From Talks With Maria Goyetche of Petit-de-Grat
ISSUE : Issue 44
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1987/1/1
(C'est une bonne idee parce que su' I'ile, i' y avait beaucoup de produits de la ferme, en?) Ah oui, c'etait toutes des fermiers. Pis i' aviont la bonne terre, i' etiont bien greyes pour travailler la terre. (Mais votre grand-pere, i' devait avoir un grand bateau pour aller aux Iles-de-la- Madeleine, un peu partout?) Non,- i' etait pas trop grand. Elle etait appelee la Schooner Maria. C'etait le nom, sa grand- mere s'appelait Maria, pis sa fille s'ap? pelait Maria, c'est ce qui fait qu'il a... sa goelette. II appelait ca une goelette; un embarcation pour la peche. Ben, elle a peut-etre ete, eh--25 ans, je pense, 25 ans au plus. Pour aller aix Iles-de-la- Madeleine, dans la Baie du Nord. (C'etait un bateau qu'avait deux mats?) Oui. Ben c'etait tout a voile, i' y avait pas de pouvoir. II avait commence assez jeune parce que, il etait pilote dans la Baie du Nord. II avait jamais ete a I'e? cole. A part 9a, i' avait pas grand ecole. C'etait tout appris--ils appreniont 9a par experience. Parce qu'il avait commence a naviguer ben jeune. Quand je restais avec z-eux, je travaillais pour z-eux, a 14, 13 ans, il allait encore dans la Baie du Nord. Il allait piloter, il allait avec d'autres capitaines. II allait pour pilote parce qu'il etait plus connu que--il le preniont pour pilote.... (How old were you when you got married?) Twenty years old. (How did you choose your husband?) I didn't have to choose. (How did you find him?) I met him when I was working for my sister, that was married to his brother. I had only been going with him for two months when we got married. (In order to get married, did you need any? body's permission?) Well, we were supposed to ask our mother and father, grandfather, and godfather. That was, in our time, that was the rule. (Did you go to all those peo? ple?) Oh yes, I went. (And they all said it was all right?) Yeah. (And what would you do if they said, no, it wasn't a good idea?) I was healthy, I could work my way out--I didn't have to get married. I just got married for God's sake, to bring up the family. (You feel you could have lived on your own. I see. But you got married so you could have a family.) Yeah. That's what Fr. Mombourquette told me, when I said I wanted to be a nun. And he said it was better to raise a family, there were more needed, than to be a nun. (You had thought that you might like to be a nun?) Yeah. (Why?) Because there was--if I had been a nun, I had no responsibility. It would save me a lot of trouble. And raising a family is a big responsibility. A painful one. I had 4 sons in the army. Two were wounded. And oh, what I went through. I know if I had been a nun, I would have been saved--it would have saved me a lot of worry, a lot of pain. (You weren't even 20 years old when you were thinking of being a nun. Did you real? ize then that it would save you pain?) Yes, I thought so. (When you saw other nuns, and what they did for work, did you want to do that?) Yes, I thought it was a good life. (Would you have liked to have been a ANOVASCOTIAWELCOMEI TO THE GAMES Birds of Nova Scotia by Robie Tufts Newly revised by members of the Bird Society of N. S,, this book is the au? thoritative reference book for ornith? ologists' and amateur naturalists. De? tailed illustrations, descriptions, and sighting locations: 40 full colour illustrations; 100 black and white illustrations. $29.95 hardcover $19.95 paperback Nova Scotia Pictorial Cooltbook A combination of great food and dra? matic scenes--70 full colour photo? graphs by Sherman Hines; over 30 full flavour recipes compiled by Canadian Living editor, Anna Hobbs. An im? pressive and practical keepsake. $9.95 hardcover $6.95 paperback (50) Out of Old Nova Scotia Kitchens by Marie Nightingale A treasured collection of Nova Scotia's most tried and true recipes. 80,000 copies sold. $8.95 spiral bound '1 Nimbus Publishing Limited Ijh. P.O. Box 9301, Station A, Halifax ??' Nova Scotia, Canada B3K 5N5 (902) 455-4286 "Good Luck!" to the Canada Games Athletes MACLEOD'S TRUCKING LTC 539-0070 562-7093 Best Wishes to the Athletes of the 1987 Canada Games DPnnCMQ DOMINION ntUUtlNIO HARDWARE COMPLETE LINE OF GENERAL HARDWAtlE Plumbing, Electrical & Houseware Supplies ']> PAINT Sydney" 539-8955 Denver rarmers Long Life UHT Dairy & Juice Products ICE CREAM CHEDDAR CHEESE AND SPREADS FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE DAIRY LIMITED Sydport, Sydney __ ra 562-2434 (3
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