Page 62 - Neil A. MacKinnon of Rear Beaver Cove
ISSUE : Issue 44
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1987/1/1
Hie Credit Union Difference. EMscover It For'burself. Today. When you join the Credit Union, you become a member-shareholder, not just a customer. That means you can have an equal say, an equal share in how things are done. You can be sure that the decisions the credit union makes are made right at home. Another Credit Union difference is that we're always looking for new, innovative ways to improve our services for you. And by operating close to home and listening to you, we're able to offer you flexible financial services based on your needs. Something else comes with being a Credit Union member ~ peace of mind through security. With financial safeguards built in, the Credit Union is a safe, sure place to save. Best of all, as a Credit Union member you can expect a good return on your savings and a fair rate of interest when you borrow. The Credit Union Difference. Discover it for yourself. Today. NEW WATERFORD CREDIT UNION LTD. Plummer Ave., New Waterford (862-6453) NORTHEAST MARGAREE CREDIT UNIO'f LTD. Margaree Centre (248-2401) DOMINION CREDIT UNION LTD. 24 Commercial St., Dominion (849-8648) NORTH SYDNEY C~REDIT UNION LTD. 210 Commercial St., North Sydney (794-2535) PRINCESS CREDIT UNION LTD. 154 Main St., Sydney Mines (736-9204) PORT HAWKESBURY CREDIT UNION LTD. Reynolds St., Port Hawkesbury (625-0190) ELECTRIC EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION LTD. P. 0. Bo)< 610, Sydney (564-5457) NORTH ISLE MADAME CREDIT UNION LTD. D'Escousse (226-2722) GLACE BAY CENTRAL CREDIT UNION LTD. 57 Main St., Glace Bay (849-7512) BAY ST. LAWRENCE CREDIT UNION LTD. St. Margarets Village (383-2293) SYDNEY CREDIT UNION LTD. . 95 Townsend St., Sydney (562-5593) 1164 Kings Rd., Sydney River (539-1684) MARGAREE CREDIT UNION LTD. Margaree (235-2659) PORT HOOD CREDIT UNION LTD. Port Hood (787-3246) WHITNEY CREDIT UNION LTD. 924 Victoria Rd., Sydney (564-6478) MABOU CREDIT UNION LTD. Mabou (945-2003) ' JOHNSTOWN CREDIT UNION LTD. Irish Cove (828-2326) ST. JOSEPH'S CREDIT UNION LTD. Petit-de-Grat (226-2288) LOUISDALE CREDIT UNION LTD. Louisdale (345-2015) L'ARDOISE CREDIT UNION LTD. L'Ardoise (587-2414) MIDDLE RIVER CREDIT UNION LTD. Middle River (295-2572) ST. COLUMBA CREDIT UNION LTD. lona (622-2626) RESERVE MINES CREDIT UNION LTD. Reserve Mines (849-4583) COADY CREDIT UNION LTD. 7 West Ave., Glace Bay (849-7610) STEEL CENTRE CREDIT UNION LTD. 340 Prince St., Sydney (562-5559) LOUISBOURG CREDIT UNION LTD. Louisbourg (733-2540) MAIN-A-DIEU CREDIT UNION LTD. Main-a-Dieu (733-2555) INVERNESS FILENE CREDIT UNION LTD. Inverness (258-2045) LEMOYNE CREDIT UNION LTD. Grand Etang (224-2015) CHETICAMP CREDIT UNION LTD. Cheticamp (224-2055) RIVERDALE CREDIT UNION LTD. Lower River Inhabitants (625-1604) RIVER BOURGEOIS CREDIT UNION LTD. River Bourgeois (535-3101) THE CREDIT UNION BELONGS TO YOU AND ME no circulation. And she never healed. The rest of it healed, but where the stitches broke, that never healed. So she went home. And they gave her a belt, you know, to put on her • She lived 12 years after that, but never healed up. I think eventually what took her, was this turned into cancer, because it never healed properly. She never was really well after that. That's how she went. She was only 59 when she died. She was working too hard, you know, working the field and work? ing home. Got too much for her. (But didn't you have neighbours come and just move in and help your mother through that winter?) Oh no, no. They just had their own problems. Because everybody was, you know--it was a hard-pressed area an57ways. The nearest family was MacLean's. They had no children. They were middle-aged at that time. He was active enough. Of course, if you went for him, you see, for any emer? gency- -which my mother did. She used to do the washing outside in big pots, in the siramertime. And the house was shingled with wooden shingles. The heat of the sun, probably, on the shingles, and a spark from the fire that she had under the big pot lit in the centre of the roof. She was washing quilts. And she told the oldest boy to jump up on the horse and run for Neil MacLean, a mile away. And there was an upstairso The roof wasn't sealed inside, just the rafters. She put the ladder up • She took the quilt--she'd soaked the quilt--and she crawled up the ladder, got on the roof. And she fired the quilt over where the fire was. Then she took a bucket, and she went upstairs and she started fir? ing the water. She put the fire out. Mac- Lean came right away--he came as fast as he could, but the fire was out when he got there. She saved the house at that time, anyway. (I'm just trying to think of how much was on your mother and how much was on small children--not just the winter of the big We Buy and We Sell and We're as Near as Your Telephone Sid s Used Furniture Phone 564-6123 436 Charlotte Street, Sydney First, the Pony. Then, the Stellar. Now, front-wheel drive Excel. (62) HYUnOPII EXCEL TODAY'S WORD FOR VALUE 34 State St 539-4711
Cape Breton's Magazine