Page 28 - Cleve Townsend of Louisbourg
ISSUE : Issue 8
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1974/6/1
next time he fell he never got up again anymore." I said, "You*re right. Every word is right," My father was the first to come. And he used to hear voices from the other side of life. Yes, and his father before him, my grandfather. They weren't healing. They weren*t gifted that way. But the other way. My father, he'd go up into the forest, not far, and there was a space there and he*d sit down and talk with his own father, my grandfather and others • other people in that world. His people. I ne? ver went with him. It seems like he always went alone. I can still speak with my fa? ther. Oh, yes. He*s a young man now. But he won*t come to me that way, I wouldn*t know him. He*s a young man now. He was 63 or 65, something like that when he passed from this life. Grey and a beard. When he comes he comes first with the beard and everything as I knew him. And then after I recognize him, he changes to what he is. The present-day condition, A younger man. My mother the same. In 1927, long after he had as they would say died, my father got me a job, I was out of work for a long while in Detroit, And money was mighty scarce, I did not have enough money to pay for a job. And my father came to me, I think it was around 10 o*clock at night. He said, "Cleve, I want you to come down to the employment office. 1*11 meet you at 2 o'clock," I said, "My goodness, 2 o'clock, there'll be a hundred men there looking for jobs. There*11 be nothing for me," "At 2 o'clock," he said, I went down and my father was waiting for me, "Now," he said, "I*m going to tell you what to say when you go in, Vhen you go in there, the man at the desk will be straight ahead when you open the door • the employment agent. You go in and say to him, 'Charlie, have you anything for me today?* But remember, place is full, just whisper to him." Awful time to go looking for anything • 2 o'clock. But I did it. The employment agent could not answer me. He wrote on a piece of paper: "Go to the manager's office and wait until I come in," I did. After a while he came in there. He said, "Yes, I've got a job for you." I took the job and I made out all right. But it was a job my father got for me, in 1927, And he had died in 1915, I'd like to tell you about a man in Windsor, Ontario and another man somewhere up around Cobalt. This man received a letter from the man living in Cobalt. He said, "Townsend, take this and see what you can get on it. Concentrate on it." Well, I took the letter, held it in my hand. I said, "I'll tell you what I'm getting," I says, "That man is going to be killed. This Thursday." I said, "Can you get in touch with that man the letter came from?" He said, "Yes, I can wire him and he'll have it today," "Do it. And tell him not to dare go in the mines on Thursday, If he goes in the mines Thursday he's going to be killed. There's gonna be a runaway trip of coal," He worked right at the bottom, the man that hammers 1, 2, 3 for the man- Cape Breton's Magazine/28 be<-r??>$ )'"'<'y <3lw<'-VAAt- took; ".A-to oy,c%. soAVce,
Cape Breton's Magazine