Page 81 - On the Road to the Canada Winter (Part 2)
ISSUE : Issue 44
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1987/1/1
sweeps and that. But in karate and that, they punch and kick and hit and everything, and we can't do that. We're not allowed. We get penalties. Alison: Judo, translated into English, is "the gentle way." And karate and those aren't very gentle! Carrie: (Do you dream judo?) Sometimes. (Do you win when you dream?) Well, some? times. (What are your plans for the Games?) Well, to fight well, and maybe to place-- get a medal. Alison: Do you have any dreams you want to share with me, Alison?) Well, I more sort of set goals for myself, more than dreams, sort of thing. From tournament to tournament, if there's one girl or boy that I find that I've had an extra hard time fighting them, I find, I set goals for myself for the next time, that I fight better against them. I'.''/''P'I'] JUDO: The Nova Scotia Core Team at practice in November '86. Front 1-r: Wes Waye (Sydney), Kerri MacDon? ald (Judique), Travis l'acKinnon (Judique), Amanda Fermin (Halifax), Billy MacMullen (Halifax), Graham Burton (Judique). Middle 1-r: Liam Walker (Sydney), Conrad Gillis (Judique), George Snow (Havre Boucher), Neils Casson (Halifax), Alison Graham (Judique), John Fraser (Sydney), Mission Staff C.W.G. Rear 1-r: Cindy Northen (Judique), Mike Scares (Halifax), Co-Coach Managers. Missing: Chad McNamara (Port Hawkes- bury), Jason MacLean (Port Hawkesbury). Figure Skating Colleen MacDonald, Dominion: We are a pair, technically--we skate as one, not as two. Most of our movements are synchron? ized, rather than individual. So that when we move it's just like one person moving on the ice. Like when we do steps for dances or whatever, our legs have to swing in the same motion, or our backs have to be arched the same amount, and the heads are looking the same way. If not, they have to be sort of complementing each oth? er, so that they're either opposite or the same. We live in the same house. Go to school to? gether. We go skating together. We're like brother and sister. (How long have the two of you been a pair?) Five or 6 years? When we were 10 we had the same coach, and she just decided (to) try us together, and it worked. Lawrence Maclntyre, Dominion: I played hockey tor 11 years. Basically, why I started (figure skating) was to leam how to skate. Because I was pretty good at stick handling and shooting, but I couldn't skate. So after I learned how to skate, it just made me that much better a player. CONTINUED NEXT PAGE (81)
Cape Breton's Magazine