Page 89 - On the Road to the Canada Winter (Part 2)
ISSUE : Issue 44
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1987/1/1
(When it comes time for the Canada Games, this is not going to be your U.C.C.B. fam? ily. Do you think that'll be any differ? ent?) No. Because once you're on a team, you set your team goals, and you try to get them. So, like, our team goal for Can? ada Games I imagine will be go out for the gold medal. So we'll go out as a team and try to get the gold medal. (You're a high scorer. Thirty-one points in a game the other night.) Yeah, a high scorer for this league. But you're playing against some of the best guys in the coun? try, so just because you're a high scorer in this league doesn't mean you're going to be a high scorer there. Because these guys you're playing against in the Canada Games are usually 10 times better. Ten times stronger defensively and offensively. And you're playing with some of the best guys in Nova Scotia. You just go out and play,to win, as a team. (On the average, are you considered a high scorer for U.C.C.B.?) Good question. I don't score till I get the ball. And then when I'm on. Like, every game you're not INDUSTRIAL CAPE BRETON YOUTH EMPIOYMENT OPPORTUNITY ...WORKS! YOUTH EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY has just completed two full years. 98 participants have completed the program. 87 have found full-time employment. 77 have retained those jobs--in the same or better positions. That means: 1. Severely employment disadvantaged youth have developed the skills and the confidence to choose, obtain, and retain employment. 2. The community has been energized by the success of the pro? gram. There has been a significant rippling effect in terms of economic development and attitudinal changes. There are jobs in Cape Breton! 3. Our youth are able to stay home and become productive mem? bers of the community. Our Success Is the Community's Success 'AN EDUCATIONAL ALTERNATIVE FOR EMPLOYMENT PREPARATION YOUTH EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 269 Charlotte St., Sydney 539-2630 going to be a high scorer or anything. You don't go out to be a high scorer, I don't, anyway. You just go out and play and put the ball in the hoop. If you end up high scorer, you end up high scorer. Kelly Rambeau, the next day--he scored 42. He's on the opposite team. See, it takes a team effort to win, and team effort to lose.... Another fellow scored 26 the same night I scored the 31. It all depends who's really on. (What would make a difference?) You're in the groove, you're in the feel. Like, you go out and play. You do your post moves, or your moves inside; you get the ball and you put it up strong. It depends on your a- mount of concentration that night and eve? rything- -what ' s on your mind, how you play. Most players try to shut everything out and play. Which I try to do, but it's a hard thing to do. School pressures. Family pressures. Pres- sures--like, you just try to get rid of them, and play your game. Say if you go out the night before and you play a terri? ble game. You try to go out tonight and play a good game, try to get it off your mind. Basically, as soon as you step on the court, you're in a different world. You go out there to play ball, and play to win. It's hard to an extent, but it's en? joyable. Because if you go out there and win, you feel that you a- chieved something. Even if you go out there and lose, you still feel that you achieved something. But if you win, you feel like you achieved a lot more. (Of course, also, with the Canada Games you'll be playing right here in Cape Breton. Is that good for you" or bad?) Doesn't really matter. It'll be good because people know you--you're on your home turf. Which is good. You have good fan support for Nova Scotia. But you just go out there to play. Fans are a factor in the game. They get you up, or when you're on a roll, they can keep you going, because they're cheering and all that. But if you go out there and play hard, you should win. (Who's on the poster on your bed? room wall?) Who's on the poster on the wall in my bedroom? That's a good question. Magic! (Magic John? son.) But I try not to model myself after anybody. Each person's dif? ferent. At U.C.C.B. I'm a starter. Under the Canada Games I'm not. If I make the team, I'm not a starter, be? cause other players are better in the position I am, to start. So I have to adjust to a new role. I still go out there and play, and Sponsored by Industrial Cape Breton Board of Trade Funded through the Ministry of Employment & Immigration Minister; Hon. Benoit Bouchard (89)
Cape Breton's Magazine