Page 29 - Cleve Townsend of Louisbourg
ISSUE : Issue 8
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1974/6/1
cage to come down. "Remember, this trip of coal is going to kill him," So he got a wire to him, and he wired right back: "I v/on't go in the mines Thursday," All right, the other man who took his place was killed. There was an old big towboat, towing barges out of Louisbourg with coal to Halifax. And the captain on the towboat, his name was Harris, Captain Dan Harris. I heard a knock at the door about 2 o'clock in the morning. This Mrs, Karris heard about me. She said, "Dan may be drowned and the boat may be gone dovm. out in the terrible storm," She said, "VJill you try and see if you can see them, see if they're gone?" I said, "Now you just wait a moment and I'll concentrate," I said, "Mrs, Harris, I got them. They're all right so far. But I can see them all working, cutting ice, and the boat is leaning over, top heavy with ice. But I believe they're going to be all right." I said, "Tomorrow morning, 10 o'clock • you look out the harbour and you'll see your husband bringing in the towboat towing a barge," Oh boy, she started to cry. I was looking too. And, yes, the boat was sure enough coming down the harbour, about 10 o'clock. I knew it was all right. I knew the boat was going to come down the harbour • because I was told from God's world, and they're never wrong. If there is ever anything wrong it's me, not the people from that world. They're never wrong, I joined the Troja I think it was, yes, right here in Louisbourg. Another fellow and I joined the boat the same time. And we went out in a storm • oh, what a terrible storm • and coming out from not far from Grand Manan • we were heading for St, John's, New Brunswick • and we were 60 miles off our course • and we ran on a reef sometime in the night. The engine room was the first to fill with water, the boiler room dead • so there couldn't be a message sent. I was the wireless operator. I couldn't send and I couldn't receive. And the captain called all the hands together. "If the boat stays on that reef and the wind doesn't change • we're all right. But if the wind changes and a gale of wind comes and blows us off, the boat'11 go to the bottom. So I want you to prepare for the worst," But a message was received in New Brunswick giving the exact longitude and latitude • our exact position. When representatives of breton divers supply limited Scuba Courses • ' Basic & Advanced Rentals • Air Station & Repairs Pro Dive C. B. School of Diving 'ivb tours arranged anwime Box 416, 500 Esplanade, Sydney Telephone 539-7676 ??>i Gentlemen's Choice in HAIRSTYLING 390 Charlotte St. 562-3336 Viyella Shirts Christian Dior Suits and Slacks Pierre Cardin Leathers Wool Sweaters Hudson Bay Blankets and Jackets Where Better Service Costs No More IVIacLeod's FINA Baddeck Telephone 295-2533 Twining Street Baddeck JACK'S' POWER PRODUCTS Sales and Service of PIONEER and HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS and 303 Charlotte Street Sydney Garden Tractors Potary & Riding Mowers Rotary Tillers Mini Bikes and Mud Bugs Authorized BRIGGS and STRATTON and TECUMSEH Small Engines Parts Sales & Service Cape Breton's Maga2ine/29
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